8–12 Sept 2014
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone



8 Sept 2014, 09:00
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien (Vienna), AUSTRIA



  • Christoph Schwanda (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))


  • Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB))

Plenary: WG summaries

  • Roy Briere (Carnegie Mellon University)

Plenary: WG summaries

  • Gudrun Hiller (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Christoph Schwanda (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
08/09/2014, 09:00
Prof. Johannes Fröhlich (Vienna University of Technology)
08/09/2014, 09:08
Prof. Helmut Rauch (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
08/09/2014, 09:17
Prof. Jochen Schieck (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
08/09/2014, 09:26
Monika Blanke (CERN)
08/09/2014, 09:35
Frank Petriello (Northwestern University)
08/09/2014, 10:05
Patrick Koppenburg (NIKHEF (NL))
08/09/2014, 11:05
Phillip Urquijo (University of Melbourne (AU))
08/09/2014, 11:30
Aida El-Khadra (UIUC)
08/09/2014, 11:55
Matthew John Charles (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
08/09/2014, 12:20
Taku Yamanaka (Osaka University)
08/09/2014, 12:40
Stefan Baessler (University of Virginia)
12/09/2014, 09:00
Michele Della Morte (Unknown)
12/09/2014, 09:30
Thomas Blake (CERN)
12/09/2014, 10:00
Yasmine Sara Amhis (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
12/09/2014, 11:00
James Libby (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
12/09/2014, 11:30
Markus Cristinziani (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
12/09/2014, 12:00
Jolanta Brodzicka (University of Manchester (GB))
12/09/2014, 12:30
James Libby (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB))
12/09/2014, 13:00
Building timetable...