- Stefan Baessler (University of Virginia)
- Elvira Gamiz
- Anze Zupanc (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Fred Wietfeldt
(Tulane University)
08/09/2014, 15:05
The free neutron decays to a proton, electron, and antineutrino with a lifetime of about 15 minutes. Neutron decay is the prototype for nuclear beta decay and other semileptonic weak decays. The value of the neutron lifetime, along with neutron decay correlation parameters, provides direct access to the vector and axial vector weak couplings of the nucleon and the CKM matrix element Vud and...
Hartmut Abele
(Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics)
08/09/2014, 15:40
Alejandro Garcia
(University of Washington)
08/09/2014, 16:45
We will describe the extraction of Vud from nuclear beta decays. We will summarize recent progress in understanding possible sources of uncertainties, in particular, the isospin breaking corrections. We will present some existing tests of the latter and indicate the prospects for more stringent tests in the future.
Matthew David Moulson
08/09/2014, 17:15
During the last few years, new experimental and theoretical results have allowed ever-more-stringent tests of the Standard Model to be performed using kaon decays. This overview of recent progress includes updated results for the evaluation of the CKM matrix element Vus from experimental kaon decay data, as well as related tests of CKM unitarity and gauge and lepton universality.
Nicolas Garron
08/09/2014, 17:45
I review the recent determinations of V_{us} from lattice QCD. After a quick review of the strategies, I will show the current status and will present some new ongoing computations at the physical value of pion mass
Antonin Portelli
(University of Southampton)
08/09/2014, 18:15
Isospin symmetry is explicitly broken in the Standard Model by the non-zero differences of mass and electric charge between the up and down quarks. Both of these corrections are expected to have a comparable size of the order of one percent relatively to hadronic energies. Although these contributions are small, they play a crucial role in hadronic and nuclear physics. We explain how to...
Alberto Lusiani
(Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN Pisa)
09/09/2014, 16:45
We use the available measurements of the tau lepton branching fraction to determine the CKM matrix coefficient |Vus| in three ways, which are finally combined. The experimental information is combined following the HFAG prescriptions to account for statistical and systematic correlations, and the dependence of experimental results from external parameters for which updated information exists....
Emilie Passemar
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire)
09/09/2014, 17:15
Gang Rong
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
09/09/2014, 17:45
Some recent experimental results on measurements of branching fraction of leptonic D(s)+ decays and semileptonic D decays, which were measured at the BaBar, Belle, BESIII and CLEO-c experiments in the last several years, are reviewed. The decay constants of D(s)+ mesons as well as form factors of D semileptonic decays are also briefly reviewed. In addition, the extraction of |V_cd| and |V_cs|...
Jonna Koponen
(University of Glasgow)
09/09/2014, 18:15
In this talk I will review recent lattice QCD results for D and D_s meson leptonic and semileptonic decays. The theory inputs needed for the determination of V_cd and V_cs from experimental results are the meson decay constants (leptonic decays) and the form factors (semileptonic decays). In addition one can compare the shape of the form factors from lattice QCD and experiment, and use the...