HIE-ISOLDE Workshop: TheTechnical Aspects
Target and front end design
- Materials, thermodynamics and extraction systems
Target area infrastructure
- Ventilation and shielding
Beam quality devices
- RFQ Cooler and REXEBIS upgrade
SRF cavities
- Sputtering, production and testing
- Beam instrumentation
- Cryomodules
- Shielding and oxygen deficiency hazards
Scientific Advisory Committe:
- Richard Catherall
- Maria Garcia Borge
- Thomas Otto
- Thierry Stora
- Walter Venturini Delsolaro
- Didier Voulot
- Fredrik Wenander
Organizing Committee:
- Richard Catherall (Chairman)
- Michal Czapski
- Géraldine Jean
- Yacine Kadi (Chairman)
- Ayse Karatepe
- Annelie Rasmussen