fsPHENIX: A Detector for the Study of Nucleon Spin Structure and Cold Nuclear Matter at RHIC

30 Apr 2014, 15:40



Oral presentation WG7: Future experiments WG7: Future experiments


John Lajoie (Iowa State University, for the PHENIX Collaboration)


In the next decade the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) will embark on detailed studies of the Quark Gluon Plasma with a major upgrade to the PHENIX detector, known as sPHENIX. To fully exploit the capabilities of sPHENIX and RHIC in spin-polarized p+p and p+A collisions the PHENIX Collaboration is proposing new instrumentation in the forward (proton-going) direction as an addition to the base sPHENIX detector. This project, know as fsPHENIX, will enable new measurements of spin asymmetries in jet production (both inter- and intra-jet), Drell Yan, and studies of cold nuclear matter using the unique capabilities of the RHIC collider to provide spin polarized p+A collisions. We will give an overview of the fsPHENIX design, its relationship to sPHENIX and ePHENIX, and physics goals of the proposed detector.


John Lajoie (Iowa State University, for the PHENIX Collaboration)

Presentation materials