2:00 PM
LHeC accelerator development
Emilia Cruz Alaniz
(University of Liverpool)
2:20 PM
Electroweak and top physics at energy frontier DIS
Christian Schwanenberger
(University of Manchester (GB))
2:40 PM
Parton distributions in the proton from the LHeC
Voica Ana Maria Radescu
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
3:00 PM
Exclusive vector meson production at high energies and gluon saturation
Amir Rezaeian
(Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)
3:20 PM
An ep collider based on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration
Matthew Wing
3:40 PM
Precision proton-proton and proton-nucleus collision studies at A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC (AFTER@LHC)
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
(IPN Orsay, Paris Sud U. / IN2P3-CNRS)
4:30 PM
LHCb Upgrade
Tomasz Szumlak
(AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
4:50 PM
Upgrading the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter electronics
Julio Vieira De Souza
(Juiz de Fora Federal University (BR))
5:10 PM
ATLAS Upgrades Towards the High Luminosity LHC: extending the discovery potential
Diane Cinca
(University of Glasgow (UK))
5:30 PM
The NA62 experiment at CERN
Karim Massri
(University of Birmingham (GB))
5:50 PM
Prospects for constrained supersymmetry at $\sqrt{s}=33$ TeV and $\sqrt{s}=100$ TeV proton-proton super-colliders
Andrew Fowlie
(KBFI, Tallinn)