Marta Ruspa
(Universita e INFN (IT))
We present updated measurements of soft single- and double-diffractive cross sections, and of forward rapidity gap cross section, as well as the measurement of the fraction of events with a forward rapidity gap and a jet produced at central rapidity at 7 TeV at the LHC. We compare the results to other measurements and to theoretical predictions implemented in various Monte Carlo simulations.
We present recent CMS measurements of photon-induced processes and Central Exclusive Production, using data collected during Run 1 of the LHC. The results include studies of exclusive WW production via photon-photon exchange, using ≥5 fb-1 of pp data collected by the CMS detector. Exclusive WW events are selected by requiring a muon and electron from the same vertex with no associated charged tracks. The tail of the dilepton transverse momentum is studied for deviations from the Standard Model. The results are interpreted in terms of limits of anomalous quartic gauge couplings
Monika Grothe
(University of Wisconsin (US))