Measurement of the UE activity in pp collisions with the CMS detector

30 Apr 2014, 09:30
Auditorium (BUW)



Oral presentation WG2+WG4 Joint Session WG2+WG4 Joint Session


Mr Tomasz Maciej Frueboes (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))


A measurement of the underlying event activity is performed on proton-proton collisions, for different centre-of-mass energies, using the CMS detector. The charged particles in the azimuthal region transverse to the leading track and the leading track jet at central pseudorapidities are studied. The measurements are compared with various theoretical predictions. A significant increase in the average multiplicity and the scalar transverse momentum sum in the transverse region is observed up to transverse momenta of few GeV/c followed by a slower rate of increase. Both quantities are observed to increase at higher centre-of-mass energies. Files


Monika Grothe (University of Wisconsin (US))

Presentation materials