Radek Zlebcik
(Charles University (CZ))
The cross section of diffractive process ep$\to$eXp is presented where
the system X contains at least two jets and the leading final state
proton is tagged in the H1 Very Forward Proton Spectrometer
(VFPS). The measurement is performed for untagged photoproduction with
Q$^{2}$ < 2 GeV$^{2}$ in photon virtuality and for deep-inelastic-scattering
with 4 GeV$^{2}$ < Q$^{2}$ < 80 GeV$^{2}$. The results are compared to
next-to-leading order QCD calculations based on diffractive parton
distribution functions extracted from measurements of inclusive cross
sections in diffractive deep-inelastic-scattering. Results are
discussed with focus on the validity of the factorisation theorem for
these processes.
Karin Daum
(University of Wuppertal/DESY)
Stefan Schmitt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))