Confronting BFKL dynamics with experimental studies of Mueller-Navelet jets at the LHC

30 Apr 2014, 11:40
Auditorium (BUW)



Oral presentation WG2+WG4 Joint Session WG2+WG4 Joint Session


Mr Bertrand Ducloue


The study of the production of two forward jets with a large interval of rapidity at hadron colliders was proposed by Mueller and Navelet as a possible test of the high energy dynamics of QCD. We analyze this process within a complete next-to-leading logarithm framework, supplemented by the use of the Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie procedure extended to the perturbative Regge dynamics, to find the optimal renormalization scale. This leads to a very good description of the recent CMS data at LHC for the azimuthal correlations of the jets.


Mr Bertrand Ducloue Lech Szymanowski Samuel Wallon

Presentation materials