Klaus Rith
(University of Eralngen-Nürnberg)
Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering is currently one of the most
promising processes that provides information about the structure of the
nucleon in the framework of Generalized Parton Distributions. During its
last years the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering process was extensively
studied at HERMES experiment through measurement of cross section
asymmetries. To the virtue of unique experimental conditions, HERMES had
collected a wealth of data on scattering a longitudinally polarized lepton
(electron/positron) beam off unpolarized, longitudinally and transversely
polarized hydrogen targets, as well as off unpolarized and longitudinally
polarized deuterium targets. During the past two years of HERA operation a
recoil detector around the target area allowed for the full kinematic
reconstruction of the exclusive DVCS event, leading to a clean measurement
of the beam-helicity asymmetry with background well below the 1% level.
The recoil detector also allowed for first measurement of the related
process of associated DVCS, in which the proton is excited to a Delta
resonance, giving access to transition GPDs. In this talk these recent
results using the recoil detector will be presented.
Klaus Rith