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Higgs in ep and the FCC-he project

30 Apr 2014, 17:10



Oral presentation WG7: Future experiments WG7: Future experiments


Monica D'Onofrio (University of Liverpool (GB))


The LHeC with a high luminosity of $O($ab$^{-1})$ gives a unique access to the WW-H and ZZ-H production modes and to various decay channels, as into $b\bar b$, $c\bar c$ and $\tau^+\tau^-$, which are difficult to study precisely at the LHC because of the more involved experimental and theoretical conditions. The FCC-he promises access to the $t\bar t$H and H-HH channels which have too small cross sections at the LHeC. The talk presents an overview on the progress in studies of the opportunities for Higgs physics in ep, which includes couplings, CP properties and different distributions.

Primary author

Nestor Armesto Perez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))

Presentation materials