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ePHENIX: An Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Detector Built Around the BaBar Magnet

30 Apr 2014, 15:20



Oral presentation WG7: Future experiments WG7: Future experiments


Alexander Bazilevsky (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


As a particular realization of an electron ion collider (EIC), the eRHIC project envisions the addition of a high intensity polarized electron beam to the existing RHIC facility, providing e+p and e+A collisions and enabling precision studies of the partonic structure of hadronic matter. To fully exploit the physics potential of eRHIC, the PHENIX Collaboration is proposing a detector built upon sPHENIX, a planned upgrade of the current PHENIX experiment. This new detector, ePHENIX, uses the sPHENIX superconducting solenoid and barrel calorimetry and adds to this foundation precision tracking, particle-identification and calorimetry in the barrel, electron-going and hadron-going directions, opening a broad range of exciting EIC physics measurements (see We give an overview of ePHENIX detector design and discuss its broad capabilities for both nucleon structure imaging and high density nuclear matter studies.

Primary author

Alexander Bazilevsky (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials