Amir Rezaeian
(Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)
We investigate exclusive diffractive photoproduction of vector mesons (J/ψ, ϕ and ρ) off protons in high-energy collisions. We confront saturation-based results for diffractive J/ψ photoproduction with all available data including recent ones from HERA and LHCb. We show that while the total J/ψ cross-section is affected by uncertainties related to the charm mass, the t-distribution of differential cross-section offers a unique opportunity to unambiguously discriminate among saturation and non-saturation models. This is due to emergence of a pronounced dip (or multiple dips) in the t-distribution of diffractive photoproduction of vector mesons at relatively large |t| that can be traced back to the unitarity features of colour dipole amplitude in the saturation regime. We show that in saturation models the dip in the t-distribution recedes towards lower |t| with decreasing mass of the vector meson, increasing energy or decreasing Bjorken-x, and decreasing virtuality Q. We provide predictions for exclusive photoproduction of various vector mesons at the LHC and at future electron-proton colliders.
This talk is mainly based on: arXiv:1402.4831.
Amir Rezaeian
(Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)
Nestor Armesto Perez
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))