WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
- Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
- Anna Kaczmarska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
- Krzysztof Turzynski (University of Warsaw)
- Milada Muhlleitner (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
- Krzysztof Turzynski (University of Warsaw)
- Anna Kaczmarska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
- Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
- Milada Muhlleitner (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
- Krzysztof Turzynski (University of Warsaw)
- Milada Muhlleitner (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
- Anna Kaczmarska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
- Krzysztof Turzynski (University of Warsaw)
- Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
- Anna Kaczmarska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
- Milada Muhlleitner (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Tobias Kasprzik
(KIT, Karlsruhe)
29/04/2014, 08:30
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Vector-boson pair production plays an important role for present and future LHC experiments. Such processes allow for a solid validation of the weak sector of the SM and, moreover, provide the opportunity to search for effects of anomalous couplings predicted by various New-Physics models. To improve on the corresponding theory predictions, we present the computation of the NLO electroweak...
Eftychia-Sofia Protopapadaki
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
29/04/2014, 08:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
We present studies of diboson production in pp collisions at 7 and 8 TeV center-of-mass energy based on data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC in 2011 and 2012. These include Higgs measurements in ZZ and WW decay modes, precise measurements of W and Z production in association with a photon and of WW production, WZ and ZZ productions at the LHC.The leptonic decay modes of the W and Z...
Bing Zhou
(University of Michigan (US))
29/04/2014, 09:20
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
A measurement of the cross section for 4 lepton production near the Z resonance
is presented for sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV pp collisions recorded with the ATLAS experiment.
The measurement is interpreted as a determination of the
branching fraction for the Z boson decaying into 4 leptons
and is foundconsistent with the expectation from the Standard Model.
This result provides an important...
Maxime Gouzevitch
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
29/04/2014, 09:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
We present study of Higgs production in 2 photon decay mode, as well as differential cross-section measurements of inclusive photon production, photon+jet production, and diphoton production in pp collisions based on data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC.
Michael Rauch
(Univ. Karlsruhe, KIT)
29/04/2014, 10:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
The production of electro-weak bosons via weak boson fusion is an
important process at the LHC, as it allows testing the Standard Model
(SM) in various ways. For example, if at least two bosons are produced,
Feynman graphs with quartic gauge couplings appear. Therefore, this
process class can be used to constrain or discover contributions from
anomalous quartic gauge couplings. Also, at...
Riccardo Bellan
(Universita e INFN (IT))
29/04/2014, 11:10
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
We present measurements of triboson production and VV scattering in pp collisions at 8 TeV center-of-mass energy based on data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC in 2012. The results are interpreted in terms of constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings. estigated. In addition we present studies of exclusive and quasi-exclusive gammagamma->W+W- production p-p collisions at the LHC...
Marta Luszczak
(University of Rzeszow)
29/04/2014, 11:40
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
The standard NLO calculations underpredict the measured
rates of $W^+ W^-$ production compared to recent ATLAS and CMS
experimental data.
We discuss new subleading processes for inclusive production of
$W^+ W^-$ pairs.
We focus on photon-photon induced processes.
We include elastic-elastic, elastic-inelastic, inelastic-elastic
and inelastic-inelastic contributions.
The inelastic...
Julia Fischer
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
29/04/2014, 12:00
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Measurement of production of vector bosons associated with two forward jets
is reported based on 20 fb-1 of data at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS
experiment. The measurement is performed in various fiducial volumes, sensitive
to QCD and Electroweak production mechanisms. The electroweak component for single
Z boson production is extracted by a ๏ฌt to the dijet invariant mass...
Sophie Henrot-Versille
30/04/2014, 08:30
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
I will present the impact of the recent measurements of Planck, LHC experiments and
Xenon100 in terms of constraints on supersymmetric parameters. I will consider
two models: mSUGRA for an illustration, and a more general Minimal Supersymmetric
Standard Model with 13 free parameters. The analysis is done with the SFitter tool
allowing a comparison of Bayesian and profile likelihoods...
Ryo Nagai
(Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
30/04/2014, 08:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Many supersymmetry models feature gauginos and also sleptons with masses less than a few hundred GeV. These can give rise to direct pair production rates at the LHC that can be observed in the data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector. The talk presents results from searches for gaugino and slepton pair production in final states with leptons.
Hamed Bakhshiansohi
(School of Particles and Accelerator Inst. for Res. in Fundam. S)
30/04/2014, 09:10
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
In this talk, the latest results from CMS on searches for supersymmetry produced through electroweak production channels are presented using 20/fb of data from the 8 TeV LHC run. A variety of complementary final state signatures and methods are used, such as searches with Higgs, W, and Z bosons in the final state, to probe gaugino and slepton production.
Thomas Gillam
(University of Cambridge (GB))
30/04/2014, 09:30
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. This talk summarises recent ATLAS results on inclusive searches for supersymmetric squarks and gluinos in events containing jets, missing transverse momentum with and without light leptons, taus or photons.
Niki Saoulidou
(University of Athens (GR))
30/04/2014, 09:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
In this talk, the latest results from CMS on inclusive searches for squark and gluino production at the LHC are reviewed. A variety of complementary final state signatures and methods are presented using 20/fb of data from the 8 TeV LHC run.
Eva Popenda
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
30/04/2014, 10:30
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
The pair production of squarks is one of the main search channels for
supersymmetry at the LHC. For the interpretation of experimental data
precise theoretical predictions are crucial. The work presented in the
talk contributes to this effort by providing a fully differential
calculation of the NLO SUSY-QCD corrections to the on-shell production
of squark pairs supplemented by the...
Alexis Kalogeropoulos
30/04/2014, 10:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
In this talk, the latest results from CMS on searches for stop and sbottom squarks are presented. Searches for direct squark production and indirect production through gluino cascades in a variety of decay channels are reviewed. The results are based on 20/fb of data collected during the 8 TeV LHC run.
Steve Guy Muanza
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
30/04/2014, 11:10
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Naturalness arguments for weak-scale supersymmetry favour supersymmetric partners of the third generation quarks with masses not too far from those of their Standard Model counterparts. Real and virtual production of third generation squarks via decay of a gluino can be significant if the mass of the gluino does not exceed the TeV scale. The talk presents recent ATLAS results from searches for...
Sofia Vallecorsa
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
30/04/2014, 11:30
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
An extended QCD sector beyond the minimal supersymmetric standard model or the admission of R-parity violation introduces new signatures to the search for supersymmetry at the LHC. Strongly interacting resonances may decay to jets, sleptons may decay via lepton-flavour violating processes and lightest supersymmetric particles may decay into many leptons with or without missing transverse...
Beranger Dumont
(LPSC Grenoble)
30/04/2014, 12:00
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
The Run I of the LHC has not revealed any sign of new physics beyond the standard model (BSM). However, the discovery of a Higgs boson opens up new possibilities for probing various BSM scenarios with enlarged Higgs sectors and/or new particles affecting the loop-induced processes or opening new decay modes.
I will present how we derive constraints on new physics from the Higgs searches...
Veronica Sanz Gonzalez
30/04/2014, 14:00
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
The Higgs spin and CP properties can be tested at the LHC looking at differential distributions (angular correlations, invariant mass and momentum distributions) and also total rates. We will discuss how to combine these sources of information and how they relate to known models.
Nicola Venturi
(University of Toronto (CA))
30/04/2014, 14:20
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
A detailed review of the latest results on the main
properties of the Higgs boson in the diphoton, ZZ (with subsequent
decays to four leptons), WW (with subsequent decays to lvlv) and Z?
channels, with the ATLAS detector using approximately 25 fb-1 of pp
collision data collected at 7 TeV and 8 TeV in 2011 and 2012, will be
given. The measurements discussed will be the mass,...
Linda Finco
(Universita e INFN (IT))
30/04/2014, 14:40
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Many different production and decay modes of the 126 GeV mass Higgs boson have been studied by the CMS collaboration at the LHC collider. The analysis is based on pp collision data collected at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5/fb and 20/fb respectively. The measurement of the Higgs boson couplings and of the study of its properties are presented.
Claire Lee
(University of Johannesburg (ZA)/ Academia Sinica (TW))
30/04/2014, 15:00
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS
experiments at the LHC, the emphasis has shifted towards measurements
of its properties. Of particular importance is the direct observation
of the coupling of the Higgs boson to fermions. In this presentation a
comprehensive review of ATLAS results in the search for the Higgs
boson in tau, muon, and b-quark pairs will be given.
Jesus Manuel Vizan Garcia
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
30/04/2014, 15:20
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Searches for the Higgs boson have been carried out in different fermionic decay modes with the CMS detector at the LHC collider. The analysis is based on pp collision data collected at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8
TeV corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5/fb and 20/fb respectively. The strategy and results of the searches are reported.
Peng Jiang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
30/04/2014, 15:40
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
We present an improved measurement for the standard model Higgs boson production in association with a Z boson, using 9.7 fb-1 of ppbar collision data collected by the D0 detector at sqrt(S) = 1.96 TeV. Events are selected with two electrons or two muons that are consistent with the decay of a Z candidate, and at least two reconstructed jets including at least one b-tagged jet). We use...
Julien Baglio
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
30/04/2014, 16:20
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
After the discovery of a Higgs boson at the LHC, the next important step is to measure its couplings to fermions and boson to unravel its true nature, in particular to look for effects beyond the Standard Model (SM). In order to ultimately test the shape of the scalar potential that triggers the electroweak symmetry breaking, it is crucial to measure the trilinear Higgs coupling at the LHC....
Andrea Massironi
(Northeastern University (US))
30/04/2014, 16:40
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
The measurement of Higgs pair production will be one of the cornerstones
of the LHC physics program in the coming years, with the upcoming
of the high-energy and high-luminosity phase.
The Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) production channel probes directly the coupling
of new physics and of Higgs to gauge bosons,
in addition to reducing background contribution.
In the VBF channel, the...
Tristan Arnoldus Du Pree
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
30/04/2014, 17:00
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Many searches for BSM Higgs bosons have been carried out with the CMS detector at LHC. The analysis is based on pp collision data collected at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5/fb and 20/fb respectively. Several different extensions of the Standard Model are considered such as 2HDM, MSSM, NMSSM and so on. No evidence of BSM Higgs bosons, in...
Dmitri Sidorov
(Oklahoma State University (US))
30/04/2014, 17:20
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV
has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a
larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the
Standard Model. In this talk, the current results from the ATLAS
Experiment on Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Higgs searches are
outlined. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented...
Rui Santos
30/04/2014, 17:40
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Almost all data collected at the LHC during the 7 and 8 TeV runs has now been analysed
by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. Consistency with the Standard Model (SM) predictions has cornered two-Higgs double models (2HDMs) into SM-like corners of the parameter space.
We will discuss the status of several types of two-Higgs doublet focusing on the possibilities of probing the still allowed...
Sandeepan Gupta
(Universitat Autรฒnoma de Barcelona (ES))
01/05/2014, 08:30
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
We show that with the measurement of the Higgs decays all deformations of the dimension 6 extension of the Standard Model are completely constrained by a set of 18 observables (barring deformations involving four fermions). We construct the dimension 6 extension of the Standard Model and identify primary directions in the
space of deformations related to these 18 observables. This...
Anirban Saha
(Universita e INFN (IT))
01/05/2014, 08:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Resonances decaying into a pair of particles are an obvious place to look for phenomena beyond the Standard Model. This talk summarizes recent results on searches for resonances in pairs of jets, lepton pairs, leptons and missing transverse energy and photon+jet. Various models models are considered such as Z' and W', Randall-Sundrum gravitons as well as the ADD large extra dimension scenario,...
Matthias Ulrich Mozer
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
01/05/2014, 09:20
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
The study of electroweak boson pair production is a powerful
test of the spontaneously broken gauge symmetry of the Standard Model
(SM) and can be used to search for phenomena beyond the SM. Heavy
particles decaying to gauge boson pairs are predicted by many scenarios
of new physics, including Extra Dimensions, and Technicolor models. We
present generic searches for a heavy particle...
Giorgio Busoni
01/05/2014, 09:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
We discuss the limitations to the use of the effective field theory approach to study dark matter at the LHC. We introduce and study a few quantities, which quantify the error made when using effective operators to describe processes with very high momentum transfer. Firstly, we study the full list of operators connecting fermion DM to
quarks and gluons, corresponding to integrating out a...
Ki-Young Choi
(Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
01/05/2014, 10:30
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Dark matter is mysterious object that we have to find soon. Many different candidates of dark matter have been suggested up to now. I will give an overview on the dark matter candidate other than neutralino dark matter and their phenomenology.
Arely Cortes Gonzalez
(Universitat Autรฒnoma de Barcelona (ES))
01/05/2014, 10:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
If Dark Matter interacts weakly with Standard Model particles it can be produced at the LHC and identified via initial state radiation (ISR) of the incoming partons. The signature left in the detector is that of the ISR particle (jet, photon, Z or W) recoiling off of the invisible Dark Matter particles, resulting in a large momentum imbalance. Similar signatures result from the...
Thomas Peiffer
(Hamburg University (DE))
01/05/2014, 11:20
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
33: New physics Searches with Top-Like Final States
In many models of physics beyond the Standard Model the coupling of new physics to third generation quarks is enhanced and signatures are expected that mimic top production. We present a review of non-MSSM based searches for new physics beyond the standard model in final states containing top quarks and/or bottom quarks. This includes...
Olga Igonkina
01/05/2014, 11:50
WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
Oral presentation
Events containing several leptons are useful probes of new phenomena due to the low background from Standard Model processes. We look for anomalous production of prompt like-sign leptons or events with three or more leptons, as well as search for excited leptons, heavy leptons and heavy neutrinos. The searches use data recorded in 2012 at sqrt(s)=8 TeV centre-of-mass energy by the ATLAS and...