Thomas Arndt
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
18/11/2013, 09:10
Alexander Wagner
(Forschungszentrum Juelich),
Diallo Abdoulaye Saliou
Martin Köhler
Stefan Hesselbach
(GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
18/11/2013, 09:20
Hr. Kraemer-Flecken
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
18/11/2013, 09:40
Jan Age Lavik
(CERN), Mr
Javier Martin Montull
18/11/2013, 10:10
Ferran Jorba
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
18/11/2013, 10:30
How about having more than one Invenio in production?
Eric Fidel Guedegbe
18/11/2013, 11:20
Experience in having a ready to use digital library system with invenio after moving from 3 other different platforms
Anil Jha
18/11/2013, 11:40
The Himalayan Document Centre (HIMALDOC) is ICIMOD’s central repository and online digital library powered by Invenio Software
Connie Hesse
Dominik Schmitz
19/11/2013, 09:00
Jan Age Lavik
19/11/2013, 09:20
Javier Martin Montull
19/11/2013, 09:50
Jan Age Lavik
(CERN), Mr
Javier Martin Montull
19/11/2013, 10:20
Alexander Wagner
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
19/11/2013, 11:00
Stefan Hesselbach
(GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
19/11/2013, 11:50
Eric Fidel Guedegbe
19/11/2013, 12:15
Implementation of IDEP realtime moving keywords cloud and focus on slide show
Jerome Caffaro
19/11/2013, 14:00
Ludmila Marian
19/11/2013, 14:30
Jean-Yves Le Meur
19/11/2013, 15:00
Nikos Kasioumis
19/11/2013, 15:45
Jan Age Lavik
(CERN), Mr
Javier Martin Montull
19/11/2013, 16:10
Johnny Mariéthoz
19/11/2013, 16:35
Elasticsearch is a recent powerful search engine similar to SOLR but with a RESTful API. We will show how we use this tool in our Invenio instance: RERO DOC. We use it not only as a simple full-text search engine but also for faceting, filtering, highlighting the results, digitized press navigation and even log analysis.
Ferran Jorba
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
19/11/2013, 17:00
Fredrik Nygard Carlsen
19/11/2013, 17:25