Rafael M Gutierrez
(Universidad Antonio Nariño)
03/07/2013, 16:45
In this work we present the progress of the MPGD laboratory at the Universidad Antonio Nariño (UAN), Bogotá, Colombia. This is a new facility for research, development, training and new applications of MPGDs and related technologies. Along with the RD51-CERN, this laboratory is also supported by a new PhD program in applied science at the UAN. This is an effort of the UAN to continuo and...
Pedro Manuel Mendes Correia
(University of Aveiro (PT))
03/07/2013, 16:45
Charging-Up of the insulator surfaces in MicroPatterned Gas Detectors (MPGDs) have been pointed as one of the responsible for the difference between experimental and Monte Carlo results. In this work an iterative method to simulate the charging-Up in Gas ectron Multiplier (GEM) and in the Thick-Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM) is propose. The method consists on the simulation of the avalanches...
Andre Zibell
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
03/07/2013, 16:45
High-rate capable micro-pattern gas detectors, as miromegas, are foreseen to replace the current detectors in the innermost foreward region of the ATLAS small wheel systems. In 2012, two micromegas prototype detectors have been installed inside the ATLAS myon spectrometer in front of a CSC detector. To read the data from these detectors together with the other ATLAS subsystems, a ReadOutDriver...
Saitkat Biswas
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
03/07/2013, 16:45
In the GSI detector laboratory a test setup has been installed for the study of the characteristics of the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM). GEMs will be used as trackers in the Muon Chamber in the future Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment. The characteristics of triple GEM detectors have been studied systematically by using cosmic ray muons. The minimum ionizing particle (MIP) spectra...
Atsuhiko Ochi
(Kobe University (JP))
03/07/2013, 16:45
New MPGD production method, forming resistive electrodes by metal/carbon sputtering, has been developed. Both fine electrodes structure (<50 micron) forming and large area production (>1m^2) are available using this method. The surface resistivity is controlled within a few tens percent of uniformity in the range of 100kΩ/sq. – 10MΩ/sq. Those properties are very useful for ATLAS MicroMEGAS...
Piotr Jan Gasik
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
03/07/2013, 16:45
ALICE at the CERN-LHC is planning a major upgrade of the central barrel detectors to cope with an increase of the LHC luminosity in Pb-Pb after 2018. The goal is to record Pb-Pb interactions at a rate of 50-100 kHz after Long Shutdown 2 (LS2), which is a factor of about 100 more the current data acquisiton rate. For the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) this implies replacement of the existing...
Ana Luisa Silva
(University of Aveiro)
03/07/2013, 16:45
The THCOBRA [1] consists on a hybrid device combining characteristics of a THGEM and a MHSP in one single structure. The structure presents two multiplication stages allowing to reach the high gains needed to use resistive line readout methods. The 2D-THCOBRA structure used has an active area of about 10x10 cm2. The 2D-THCOBRA have shown a fair energy resolution capability of about 22% (FWHM)...
Yacine Haddad
(Ecole Polytechnique (FR))
03/07/2013, 16:45
Digital sampling calorimeter with gaseous sensor layer can be used as Particle Flow Orientated calorimeter, since its homogeneous, robust and cost-efficient. The response of digital gaseous calorimeter can be characterized with efficiency and multiplicity. To validate the simulation tool and to enable further simulation-based analysis as well as data-MC comparison, we developed a general...
Sebastien Procureur
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
03/07/2013, 16:45
Modern particle physics experiments frequently require the detection of particles on large areas, with an excellent spatial resolution. The resulting detectors usually contain thousands of readout elements – strips, pixels, pads – and consequently the same number of electronic channels. In most cases, the electronics budget therefore becomes significant in the total cost of the project. It...
Kondo Gnanvo
(University of Virginia (US))
03/07/2013, 16:45
The Super Big Bite Spectrometer (SBS) is Hall A firt new equipment in preparation for the 12 GeV upgrade of the CEBAF accelerator at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator facility (JLab). University Of Virginia (UVa) is in charge of building of the GEM-based Polarimetry Back Tracker system for SBS. The Back Tracker is made of 8 large area (50 × 200 cm2) chambers. Each chamber is assembled...
Kohei Terasaki
(University of Tokyo (JP))
03/07/2013, 16:45
Ion Back Flow (IBF) suppression is essential for limiting the space-charge distortions in the upgraded ALICE TPC, where continuous readout is foreseen. GEM technology is one possible solution to achieve small IBF and to keep good performance in terms of particle tracking and particle identification at high rates. The development of readout chambers for the ALICE TPC with single mask GEMs is...
joao veloso
(university of aveiro)
03/07/2013, 16:45
A new VUV single-photon gaseous photomultiplier with position capability will be presented. It is based on a triple cascade of two THGEM followed by a 2D-THCOBRA with a CsI photocathode deposited on the top electrode of the first structure. To allow high gain at low voltage a mixture of Ne/CH4 at atmospheric pressure was used. The gas mixture also provide excellent photoeletron extraction from...