Plamen Fiziev
(Foundation of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Astrophysics (TCPA) Sofia University)
We present the basic equations and relations for the relativistic static
spherically symmetric stars (SSSS) in the model of minimal dilatonic
gravity (MDG) which is locally equivalent to the f(R) theories of
gravity and gives an alternative description of the effects of dark matter
and dark energy. The results for a simplest form of relativistic equation
of state (EOS) of neutron matter are represented. Our approach overcomes
the well known difficulties of the physics of SSSS in f(R) theories of
introducing two novel EOS for cosmological energy-pressure densities and
dilaton energy-pressure densities, as well as proper boundary conditions.
Plamen Fiziev
(Foundation of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Astrophysics (TCPA) Sofia University)