Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

26–28 Mar 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

OpenAFS for Windows Deep Dive: Reparse Points, Path Processing, and Implications for Namespace Design

26 Mar 2014, 15:00
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map


Jeffrey Altman (Your File System Inc.)


Microsoft Windows differs from UNIX/POSIX in significant ways with regards to the management of directories, symlinks, mount points (aka junctions) and file system object metadata. This talk will describe the design of the OpenAFS Windows client with a focus on reparse points and path processing. The real world designs of publicly visible cells will be examined with a focus on those that can be efficiently processed and those that cannot be.

Primary author

Jeffrey Altman (Your File System Inc.)

Presentation materials