Dear all,
Thank you for registering with the 2014 European AFS and Kerberos conference.
Whenever necessary in the coming weeks, we will send out conference bulletins to all registered participants with information relevant to your stay here at CERN during EAKC2014.
If you have signed up for accommodation in the CERN hostel, you should have
received last week a mail confirming your booking. If you haven't received such a mail, please get in touch with us *immediately* as the blocking of the rooms in the hostel will be removed shortly and then it won't be possible get you a room there anymore.
As per the confirmation mail, the standard booking is from March 25 to March 29.
For any changes in your booking please contact directly (use "AFS conference EAKC 2014" as booking reference).
The CERN hostel is on site (CERN Meyrin bldg. 38, 39, 41) and within walking distance from the conference venue. Further details and CERN hostel rules:
A first version of the programme timetable has been prepared:
Please check that your talk is listed!
The slots are 15+5 minutes for site reports and 25+5 minutes for all other talks.
Please keep these time constraints in mind when preparing your presentation!
If there are any problems with the duration or the scheduling of your talk, let us know.
Any question, please get in touch with us via
Arne (for the EAKC2014 local organisers)
Bulletin No. 2
Dear all,
Here comes ECK2014 Bulletin No. 2 with details on access to the CERN site and WiFi during the conference.
Access to the CERN site:
The access to the CERN site is restricted and requires special authorisation.
The reception in building 33 and the guards at the various entrances have a list of all conference participants and will grant you access to the site for the duration of your stay.
On Wednesday morning during registration in the conference room (building 31, IT Auditorium, 3rd floor) we will hand out conference badges that will allow you to enter the CERN site more conveniently.
Note that it is about a 10 minute walk from the entrance or the hostel to the conference room.
Access to the CERN site with your own car:
Private cars need a visitor's parking ticket which we will need to request in advance. So, if you plan to come by car and you'd like to enter the CERN site with it, let us know as soon as possible.
Network access:
We will provide WiFi access to the CERN network during the conference. In order to save time while you're here at CERN, you may want to register your device already now:
Any question, please get in touch with us via
Arne (for the EAKC2014 local organisers)
Bulletin No. 3
Dear all,
Here comes ECK2014 Bulletin No. 3 with details for the speakers, on the underground tour and how to find the various buildings at CERN.
The presentations will be done using the computer in the conference room, and speakers are kindly requested to upload their presentation to the Indico event. In order to avoid any setup delays, please upload *before* the conference, but during the session preceding the one of your presentation at the latest!
Here's how you do it:
- go to
- click on the slot of your talk
- click on "View details"
- click on the pen icon to upload your slides
- click on "Add Material"
- click on "Choose files"
- pick your file
- click on "Create resource"
Supported formats are PDF and PPT.
Underground tours:
Thursday afternoon will be dedicated to tours of the ATLAS detector and the CERN computing centre. Please note that for the underground tour you need to wear flat, closed shoes. Pregnant women, persons with pacemakers and persons under the age of 16 are not allowed to participate in the underground tours. With your conference package we will hand out schedules with details on where and when to meet your guide.
Moving around at CERN:
Please find attached to this mail a map with the relevant places on the CERN
site (hostel, conference room, restaurants, globe). This map is also available on-line at
Any question, please get in touch with us via
Have a good trip and see you next week!
Arne (for the EAKC2014 local organisers)