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European AFS & Kerberos Conference 2014

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map
Arne Wiebalck (CERN)
The 2014 European AFS and Kerberos Conference will take place at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, from Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th March 2014.

The conference will examine the development outlook for AFS and Kerberos implementations, highlight current projects and offer space to proposals and new ideas. Also, sites will be able to present their AFS and Kerberos activities in site reports.

The conference will address themes such as:
  • Performance tuning and benchmarking
  • Diagnostics, service monitoring and troubleshooting
  • Scalability and high availability issues
  • Unique methods of AFS/Kerberos environment Backups
  • Web integration
  • Delegated administration and user management
  • Access control and related authorization services
  • Related tools for end-users, admins and programmers
  • Single Sign-On strategies
  • Cross cell/realm trust in real world
  • PKI and alternate security mechanism integration
  • Interoperability: supplements and competitors
  • Work on new features
Submissions on completed work are welcome just as reports on work in progress or updates on reports from previous events. If you have any questions concerning the event, please do not hesitate to contact the local organization committee at

Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor

  • Achim Gsell
  • Alberto Pace
  • Alexandre Eline
  • Anders Magnusson
  • Andreas Läßer
  • Andrew Deason
  • Andrew Pickford
  • Arne Wiebalck
  • Belinda Chan
  • Benjamin Kaduk
  • Bodo Krause-Kyora
  • Christof Hanke
  • Claudio Soprano
  • Craig Strachan
  • Cristian Haddad Reaney
  • D Brashear
  • Dael Maselli
  • Dagobert Michelsen
  • Dameon Wagner
  • Daniel van der Ster
  • Edgar Barabas
  • Elisabeth Ziemer
  • Fabrizio Manfredi
  • Fabrizio Poggi
  • Georg Sluyterman
  • Gergely Madarasz
  • Giovanni Bracco
  • Harald Barth
  • Hartmut Reuter
  • Heinz Arnolds
  • Henrik Svensson
  • Hosni EL Basiony
  • Jaap Winius
  • Jakub Moscicki
  • Jan Iven
  • Jeffrey Altman
  • jnfdre leijde
  • Ken Dreyer
  • Kristen Nielsen
  • Lars Schimmer
  • Magnus Jakobsson
  • Marc Dionne
  • Marianne Reuter
  • Mark Vitale
  • Markus Köberl
  • Massimo Lamanna
  • Mathias Feiler
  • Michael Meffie
  • Moritz Willers
  • Nicole Falkenberg
  • Owen Le Blanc
  • Perry Ruiter
  • Peter van der Reest
  • Qiulan Huang
  • Ragnar Sundblad
  • Robert Milkowski
  • Rémi Ferrand
  • Sabah Salih
  • Sandro Angius
  • Schnieber Stefan
  • Sebastien Gadrat
  • Simon Wilkinson
  • Staffan Hämälä
  • Stephan Wiesand
  • Toby Blake
  • Torbjorn Moa
  • Walter Janvier
  • Wolfgang Gehrke
  • Xavier Canehan
  • Yan Ryberg
  • Youssef Morsi
  • Åsa Andersson
    • 09:00 10:00
      Registration 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 10:00 11:00
      Welcome & Site Reports (Part 1) 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 10:00
        Welcome at the CERN IT Department 10m
        Speaker: Alberto Pace (CERN)
      • 10:10
        Storage at CERN 30m
        This presentation will give an overview about the CERN IT storage solutions.
        Speaker: Jan Iven (CERN)
      • 10:40
        DESY Site Report 20m
        Report on the DESY sites' AFS cells.
        Speakers: Mr Peter van der Reest (DESY), Stephan Wiesand (CERN - PH/UAT)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 11:30 12:45
      Site Reports (Part 2) 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 11:30
        AFS deployment and activities of IHEP 20m
        This presentation will introduce the deployment status and activities of AFS at IHEP. AFS (Andrew File System) is a distributed file system that provides namespace architecture aimed at dispersed computing environments and a set of tools geared toward ease of use and manageability. AFS was firstly deployed in IHEP 10 years ago, which worked as home directory for all users in IHEP. During recent years, many activities related to AFS were launched, including performance tuning, upgrading, data migration, data backup and so on. Also, integration of torque and AFS was developed and applied to part of computing farm. And we have developed authorization services for web portals of cluster like monitoring system, Clouds platform and accounting system. It is integrated AFS authentication flexibly eliminating the complexity of account management, which has greatly improved the efficiency of operation. In addition, AFS and IPV6 estimation and evaluation are carried out.
        Speaker: Ms qiulan huang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy Science)
      • 11:50
        USGS AFS Site Report 20m
        * What is the USGS organization like * How does USGS use AFS * What is the size and architecture of the cell * Recent improvements * Why does USGS use AFS in 2014 * Things that are difficult about AFS for USGS * Things that we would love to do in the future
        Speaker: Mr Ken Dreyer (USGS)
      • 12:10
        CERN Site report 20m
        News from CERN since the Edinburgh workshop.
        Speaker: Dr Arne Wiebalck (CERN)
      • 12:30
        Logistics 15m
        Speaker: Dr Arne Wiebalck (CERN)
    • 12:45 14:00
      Lunch break 1h 15m Restaurant 2

      Restaurant 2


    • 14:00 16:00
      OpenAFS Updates (Part 1) 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 14:00
        OpenAFS Status Report 30m
        A summary of the changes to the OpenAFS software and the community that have taken place since the 2012 EAKC.
        Speaker: D Brashear (Your File System, Inc)
      • 14:30
        OpenAFS: Linux client update 30m
        This talk will give an overview of the current status of the Linux OpenAFS client, focusing on recent changes in the Linux kernel and on the impact for the OpenAFS client code.
        Speaker: Mr Marc Dionne (Your File System Inc.)
      • 15:00
        OpenAFS for Windows Deep Dive: Reparse Points, Path Processing, and Implications for Namespace Design 30m
        Microsoft Windows differs from UNIX/POSIX in significant ways with regards to the management of directories, symlinks, mount points (aka junctions) and file system object metadata. This talk will describe the design of the OpenAFS Windows client with a focus on reparse points and path processing. The real world designs of publicly visible cells will be examined with a focus on those that can be efficiently processed and those that cannot be.
        Speaker: Jeffrey Altman (Your File System Inc.)
      • 15:30
        OpenAFS on Solaris 30m
        Speaker: Robert Milkowski (M)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee 30m 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 16:30 18:30
      OpenAFS Updates (Part 2) 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 16:30
        Rx security issues: OpenAFS and the rxkad k5 and kdf updates 30m
        Some discussion on what led to the rxkad updates and what value they bring to the table... and what they do not.
        Speaker: D Brashear (Your File System, Inc)
      • 17:00
        AFS Performance 30m
        Many users, administrators and developers have observed that OpenAFS scales badly on multi-core machines. On some platforms we not only fail to take advantage of additional cores, but run slower than we would on an equivalent single core machine. This talk will examine the reasons for this. We will present recent work profiling the AFS server suite and discuss ways of using this information to improve server throughput. We will discuss both coding improvements and configuration alterations they can be used to improve performance on today's multi processor systems.
        Speaker: Simon Wilkinson (Y)
      • 17:30
        OOB Update 30m
        In 2012, I presented about the prototype "Out of Band" project, a project to allow OpenAFS bulk network communication over protocols besides Rx/UDP (such as TCP). Per the original plan, OOB has since been partially redesigned in order to address shortcomings in the original design. This new implementation fixes various problems, allows OOB to be more easily used for other arbitrary services (such as volume operations), and improves long-term maintainability, making it hopefully easier to integrate into OpenAFS. This presentation will briefly cover the history and current state of the project, walk through the new architecture, and discuss what is envisioned for the future.
        Speaker: Mr Andrew Deason (Sine Nomine Associates)
      • 18:00
        AFS-OSD current state and future 30m
        AFS-OSD is currently used at two sites with totally more than 1 PByte of data. Some fileservers are still openafs 1.4 based, others already 1.6 based. The 1.6-based source is kept in github. For the integration into openafs 1.9 a stripped version is being prepared for openafs's git master which is compatible to the 1.6 version in github, but not to the old 1.4 based clients and servers.
        Speaker: Hartmut Reuter (M)
    • 19:00 20:30
      Welcome Reception Restaurant 1

      Restaurant 1


    • 09:00 11:00
      Kerberos 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 09:00
        Heimdal 1.6 30m
        An overview of the major changes in the Heimdal 1.6 release series. A discussion of the problems experienced in Heimdal 1.5 when sites attempted to upgrade AFS cells to use non-DES keys.
        Speaker: Jeffrey Altman (Your File System Inc.)
      • 09:30
        MIT Kerberos status update 30m
        A report will be given on the new features introduced in recent versions of MIT krb5, and what is on the horizon for upcoming releases. Changes in the development workflow will be briefly mentioned (and how they affect contributors), as will some ongoing IETF standardization work.
        Speaker: Benjamin Kaduk (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 10:00
        rxgk status update 30m
        A status report will be given on the standardization process for the rxgk security class and its use with the AFS-3 protocol, and the implementation and use of rxgk in OpenAFS. Numerous internal updates and additional features are needed in the OpenAFS codebase in order to make full use of rxgk universal, and these will be discussed as well.
        Speaker: Benjamin Kaduk (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 10:30
        Deploying Secure NFS v3 / v4 in a Large Enterprise 30m
        The talk will share our experience of deploying Secure NFS v3, Secure NFS v4, as well as just NFS v4 throughout a large enterprise with hundreds of NAS appliances and thousands of hosts. The NAS appliances are NetApp filers and the clients are mainly RedHat Linux systems; the problems encountered with the NFS v4 protocol however are not Operating System specific. The challenges of managing Kerberos credentials for thousands of non-interactive service accounts running business applications must be well-known to the AFS community and I will present how we are approaching the problem.
        Speaker: Moritz Willers
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 11:30 13:00
      AFS Evolution 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 11:30
        The Road to IPv6 30m
        Many individuals have expressed interest in IPv6 support for AFS, although it has never reached the top of the development priority list. This talk will discuss the necessary protocol and code changes to support IPv6 across the AFS suite, highlight some of the more challenging areas. We will detail the progress that has been made in producing an IPv6 capable RX library, and rxperf test application.
        Speaker: Simon Wilkinson (Y)
      • 12:00
        OpenAFS and IPv6 30m
        Institutions and businesses are increasingly mandating IPv6 compatibility from their networked applications and systems. The day is approaching when OpenAFS must be able to work with hosts that exclusively use IPv6 addresses. This involves a variety of changes to the OpenAFS codebase and how OpenAFS operates over the wire. This talk will identify the areas where the work to implement IPv6 is understood and there is community agreement on how to proceed. We will also survey the areas that will require additional discussion to achieve community consensus on how to proceed with implementing IPv6 for OpenAFS.
        Speakers: Mr Andrew Deason (Sine Nomine Associates), Mr Michael Meffie (Sine Nomine Associates)
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch 1h Restaurant 2

      Restaurant 2


    • 14:00 17:00
      Tours: Computer Centre & ATLAS tours Computer Centre

      Computer Centre


    • 17:00 17:30
      Coffee 30m 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 17:30 18:15
      YFS Deep Dive (Part 1) 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 17:30
        YFS Deep Dive 20m
        Speaker: Jeffrey Altman (Your File System Inc.)
    • 18:15 18:30
      Break 15m 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 18:30 19:15
      YFS Deep Dive (Part 2) 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 20:00 23:00
      Conference Dinner TBA (TBA)



    • 09:00 10:30
      AFS Operations 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 09:00
        AFSmin - an AFS dashboard 30m
        Many sites have created site-specific AFS dashboards for their administrators and to address their site-specific needs. In this talk, I will present AFSmin, an open, redistributable dashboard solution that anyone in the community can use. AFSmin is a work in progress, open source AFS dashboard, featuring a modern UI and easy setup. It can be used for basic monitoring and basic AFS volume administration by seasoned and novice AFS administrators.
        Speaker: Mr Michael Meffie (Sine Nomine Associates)
      • 09:30
        CERN AFS Backup System 30m
        Design, evolution and experience with CERN AFS Backup System (ABS).
        Speaker: Dr Jakub Moscicki (CERN)
      • 10:00
        AFS Salvager and Large Volumes 30m
        The AFS salvager is one of those programs (like the restore part of backup/restore) that are only needed when something has already gone wrong, and must be set right as quickly as possible. In a perfect world, there would be no need for recovery tools like the AFS salvager; servers would always come down cleanly, and filesystems would always be in a consistent and correct state. But we don’t live in a perfect world: hardware fails, servers crash, and AFS has bugs. Undiscovered bugs are more likely to lurk in code paths that are 1) complex and 2) rarely exercised, e.g. salvaging very large AFS volumes. This presentation will discuss the AFS namei partition format and how salvager identifies and repairs damage in it. We will conclude with a real-world case study that was used as a starting point for a test suite to identify and fix remaining bugs in AFS large volume support. We'll also briefly discuss possible alternatives to the salvager.
        Speaker: Mr Mark Vitale (Sine Nomine Associates)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee 30m 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
    • 11:00 13:00
      AFS Code 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 11:00
        Getting started with AFS code 30m
        Anyone currently administrating AFS who wanted to “look under the hood/bonnet” as it were, will find this review of some the hurtles encountered getting started supporting AFS code helpful. Where is the code, how do you build from the source, simple debug techniques and how to develop/apply a test fix and eventually pushing it upstream will be covered. To drive AFS adoption going forward, the AFS ecosystem needs many more people familiar with the internals. Get started today! Perry is a recent addition to the SNA AFS team. He had many years experience supporting large, complex pieces of software, but no previous experience with open source projects, AFS, or Linux/Unix.
        Speaker: Perry Ruiter (Sine Nomine Associates)
      • 11:30
        A week in the life of the OpenAFS release manager 30m
        A look behind the scenes of the OpenAFS stable release process.
        Speaker: Stephan Wiesand (CERN - PH/UAT)
      • 12:00
        Current status of afspy 30m
        In this talk, I will present the status of high-level python bindings including a database cache and detached job execution. Most features are explained by example.
        Speaker: Christof Hanke (RZG)
      • 12:30
        Accessing AFS through the s3 protocol & A glance at RestFS 30m
        The myS3 permits accessing to AFS cells from everywhere with a simple S3 client or an http request. The main function of myS3 is the conversion of the S3 requests in local filesystem requests. This solution has many advantages like: multi platform and multi device ( s3 clients exist for everything), not intrusive ( no kernel module is required on the client side), standard port used (http protocol), simple to install. The talk will explain the architecture, the implementation and different possibilities of installation.
        Speaker: Mr Fabrizio Manfredi (-)
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch 1h Restaurant 2

      Restaurant 2


    • 14:00 15:30
      Summary and Outlook 31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre

      31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


      Show room on map
      • 14:00
        Update on the OpenAFS Foundation 30m
      • 14:30
        Summary & Conference Wrap-Up 1h