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26–30 May 2014
Institut des Cordeliers - Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Scale invariance and electroweak symmetry breaking

28 May 2014, 17:40
Amphithéâtre Farabeuf (Institut des Cordeliers - Paris)

Amphithéâtre Farabeuf

Institut des Cordeliers - Paris

Parallel Session talk SuSy and other BSM phenomenology Higgs


Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney)


We discuss the relevance of classical scale invariance for a technically natural solution to the problem of the radiative stability of the electroweak scale. Some realistic electroweak scale-invariant models are considered and their possible manifestations at the LHC are briefly discussed.

Primary author

Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney)

Presentation materials