19–23 May 2014
Europe/Paris timezone

Big Data Transfer over Internet

23 May 2014, 09:00
Auditorium Marcel Vivargent (LAPP)

Auditorium Marcel Vivargent


9 Chemin de Bellevue 74940 Annecy-le-Vieux FRANCE <b>GPS coordinates :</b> N 45° 55' 14.002'' E 6° 9' 33.998''
Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Grids, clouds, virtualisation


Mr Andrey SHEVEL (University of Information Technology, Mechanics, and Optics)


In many cases where Big Data phenomenon is taken place there is the need to transfer the Big Data from one point of computer network to another point. Quite often those points are far away from each other. The transfer time is significant factor to transfer the Big Data. During this time the features of the data link might be changed drastically including interruptions of channel operation once or more times during data transfer. There are a number of known utilities/systems which are used for Big Data transfer. The authors investigate which utilities/systems are more suitable for Big Data transfer and which are most important architecture features for such the systems. It is of interest the comparison study of the data transfer methods. The testbed is developed to compare the data transfer utilities and study how Software Defined Networks (SDN) approach affects the Big Data transfer.


Mr Andrey SHEVEL (University of Information Technology, Mechanics, and Optics)


Mr Oleg SADOV (University of Information Technology, Mechanics, and Optics) Prof. Sergey Khoruzhnikov (University of Information Technology, Mechanics, and Optics) Dr Vladimir Grudinin (University of Information Technology, Mechanics, and Optics)

Presentation materials