19–23 May 2014
Europe/Paris timezone

Evaluation of avoton CPU

21 May 2014, 17:25
Auditorium Marcel Vivargent (LAPP)

Auditorium Marcel Vivargent


Computing & Batch Services Computing and batch systems


Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)


At INFN-T1 we are facing the problem of TCO of computing nodes, which count for the bigger part of our electricity bill. Intel recently introduced the Avoton SOC, targeted on the microserver, entry communication infrastructure and cloud storage market. We benchmarked this CPU and evaluated the possible adoption of this technology in our computing farm.


At INFN-T1 we are facing the problem of TCO of computing nodes, which count for the bigger part of our electricity bill.
Intel recently introduced the Avoton SOC, targeted on the microserver, entry communication infrastructure and cloud storage market. We benchmarked this CPU and evaluated the possible adoption of this technology in our computing farm.


Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)

Presentation materials