IT end user services and operating systems: IT end user services and operating systems
- connie sieh (Fermilab)
- Sandy Philpott (JLAB)
IT end user services and operating systems
- Sandy Philpott (JLAB)
- connie sieh (Fermilab)
Alan Silverman
(CERN (retired))
19/05/2014, 13:30
End-user IT Services & Operating Systems
SL was announced to the world at the Spring 2004 HEPiX meeting in Edinburgh so it seems a good moment to review its origins and how it became the preferred Linux of most HEP sites.
Connie Sieh
19/05/2014, 14:20
End-user IT Services & Operating Systems
Status of Scientific Linux and Futures
Jarek Polok
19/05/2014, 14:45
End-user IT Services & Operating Systems
CERN is maintaining and deploying Scientific Linux CERN since 2004.
In January 2014 CentOS and Red Hat announced joining forces in order to
provide common platform for open source community project needs.
How is this merger affecting plans for future CERN Linux version ?
Alvaro Gonzalez Alvarez
19/05/2014, 16:10
End-user IT Services & Operating Systems
The current efforts on the issue tracking and version control services at CERN will be presented. Special attention to the new central git service, the integration between issue tracking and version control and future service deployments.
Sebastien Dellabella
19/05/2014, 16:35
End-user IT Services & Operating Systems
In this presentation we will talk about Windows 8 and how we are integrating it at CERN. What are the issues we met and how we solved them for our users community.
We will focus on issues, customization and deployment.
If you have to start a Windows 8 pilot project in your organization, you must be there.