14–17 Apr 2014
Universidad de Oviedo
Europe/Madrid timezone

An Open Data architecture for building a key performance indicator system powered in real time with BAM

16 Apr 2014, 14:20
Universidad de Oviedo

Universidad de Oviedo

Escuela Politecnica de Ingeniería de Gijon - Principado de Asturias (Spain)
Presentation Business Computing


David Diaz Diaz (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))


All kind of businesses struggle to find out a solution for dealing with the growing volume of information stored in their databases (known as Big Data). Although that information can make organizations smarter, Open Data will be far more important for increasing the revenue and the business value. Open Data and Linked Open Data (LOD) offer a new world of possibilities and challenges for any application, especially for those systems specifically designed for the knowledge analysis and decision making, such as key performance indicators systems. The idea of real time information and BAM is quite simple: Information about sales, products, financial transactions, etc. is continuously produced in the world of companies and organizations. This information is useless if it is not taken into account on time; moreover it often remains unnoticed until it is too late. The key to success lies in gathering the appropriate indicators for our business, capturing all the data that can have influence in the system in real time. Most of the information systems are not well prepared to tackle the new Open Data challenges, large volumes of raw data collected in real time from disparate sources.


Throughout this presentation an optimal architecture for the design of a comprehensive dashboard powered by open data (Open Data) and real time (Real Data - BAM) will be proposed. The advantages and benefits of the proposed architecture will be also examined and some possible fields of application at CERN will be introduced.
The presentation is structured as follows:

1.Introduction to Open Data and Big Data. Why are they so important nowadays?
2.Present and justify an appropriate Open Data architecture for building a key performance indicator system powered in real time with BAM. This architecture is based on SOA and BI.
3.Some examples will be shown.
4.Possible applications and use cases at CERN.

Primary author

David Diaz Diaz (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))

Presentation materials