13–16 May 2014
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste
Europe/Zurich timezone

High Power RF System Status and Experience for the PLS-II Storage Ring

13 May 2014, 14:00
Hotel NH Trieste (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)

Hotel NH Trieste

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste

Hotel NH Trieste Corso Cavour 7 34132 Trieste Italy
Oral presentation SPC judgements Tuesday afternoon 1


Myunghwan CHUN (PAL(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)/POSTECH)


The RF system of the Pohang Light Source-II (PLS-II) storage ring is operating at the 3.0 GeV/300 mA with three superconducting RF (SRF) cavities. PLS-II RF system was upgraded to 3.0 GeV/400 mA(max.) beam storage from 2.5 GeV/ 200mA of PLS. Each high power RF (HPRF) station is composed of a 300 kW klystron with power supply unit, transmission components including a 350 kW circulator and load, and water cooling system. Also three digital type LLRFs, three cryomodules with SRF cavities, and a cryogenic system are operating with HPRF system for the PLS-II storage ring. This paper describes the present operation status of 300 kW HPRF system and experiences of the former PLS 75 kW HPRF system. *Supported by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning in Korea **mhchun@postech.ac.kr


Myunghwan CHUN (PAL(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)/POSTECH)


Presentation materials