13–16 May 2014
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste
Europe/Zurich timezone

Overview on high power/high efficiency RF sources development at Thales Electron Devices

15 May 2014, 15:32
Hotel NH Trieste (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)

Hotel NH Trieste

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste

Hotel NH Trieste Corso Cavour 7 34132 Trieste Italy
Poster SPC judgements Poster session


Mr Rodolphe Marchesin (THALES Electron Devices)Mr Stephane Bethuys (THALES Electron Devices)


Thales ED has an experience of more than fifty years in high power RF tubes design and manufacturing, from klystrons and grid tubes amplifiers to gyrotrons oscillators. This talk presents recent high power / high efficiency solutions (experimental results and designs) which are suited for the next generation of particles accelerators. Namely, one of the future large scale linacs main challenges is to reduce the large electrical power consumption (in the TWh per year order of magnitude). To make these facilities more environmental friendly and power efficient, research and development is encouraged at Thales ED to increase RF sources electrical to RF power conversion. One ultimate goal for the vacuum tubes would be for instance to deliver the required high peak power with a targeted 70% efficiency. The presentation will introduce different tubes solutions comparing parameters such as performance, maturity and lifetime, as well as possible innovations for each technology (klystrons, tetrodes and IOTs), in order to give an overview of Thales ED capability to deliver efficient RF solutions for long pulse and CW applications for the next decade.

Primary authors

Mr Armel Beunas (THALES Electron Devices) Mr Michel Grezaud (THALES Electron Devices) Mr Philippe Thouvenin (THALES Electron Devices) Mr Rodolphe Marchesin (THALES Electron Devices) Mr Stephane Bethuys (THALES Electron Devices)


Mr Bernard Darges (THALES Electron Devices) Mr Claude Bel (THALES Electron Devices)

Presentation materials