Shigeki Sasaki
Over 15 years of operation of the SPring-8 storage ring, we encountered several
troubles in the RF system. Some of them will be picked up for the report.
As an example, we experienced the water leakage from the photon absorbers for
the synchrotron radiation to protect RF cavities.
The cause was found to be the pinholes created by corrosion of the absorber
water channel wall by the chemical reactions of the oxigen in the cooling
water with the copper water channel wall. The improper structure of the
absorber, the photon beam went through the water, made the chemical reaction
possible for the copper wall with dissolved oxygen in the cooling water.
In addition to the improper structure, we found that the control of the water
quality was important. The density of the copper ion has been monitored since
We encountered also to the water leakage from the output window part of the
klystrons. The cause was found to be excess water flow to the cooling channels.
In conjunction with the investigation of the cause, control of the quality was
important for the water inside the cooling channel during the storage period
as backup stockage of the klystrons. The residual components solved in the water
might cause damages to the cooling water channel.
Shigeki Sasaki