(RF group SESAME)
The SESAME ( Synchtrone Light Source For Experimental Since And Applications in The Middle- East) Accelerator consists of a 22 MeV Microtron , and 800Mev Booster and 2.5 GeV storage Ring .
Each accelerator has its own RF system. The Microtron RF frequency is 3 GHz generated by 2 MW pulsed Magnetron, including 41KV modulator works as power supply for magnetron , while the Booster and SR have a common 500MHz CW RF source.
The Booster RF system consists of DORIS cavity feds by 2 kW CW solid state amplifier, but the storage Ring RF system design based on 4x 500MHz plants , each comprising a Elettra- Type cavity, powerd by 80kW (CW) RF power via WR1800 waveguide lines.
This presentation shows the statues of installed Microtron RF system and upgrades for RF system from BESSY І, as well as design SESAME SR high power RF system. Also this presentation shows the progress of collaboration with SOLEIL.
Primary author
(RF group SESAME)