Power converters

28 Nov 2013, 09:45
874-1-11 (CERN)



CERN, 874-1-11


Slawosz Uznanski (CERN)


From the powering side, the biggest risk to LHC availability is the current FGC2 implementation, and its sensitivity to radiation. If we run as we are, we will likely abort almost every mission prematurely due to FGC2 failure. A next generation FGClite is being designed to replace the FGC2 in areas which are exposed to radiation. Of some 1600 Power Converter Controllers installed at CERN around 1100 will be replaced with FGClite. This presentation will outline the predicted performance of the FGClite in the post-LS1 era. It will outline the manner in the challenges are being addressed, and the implementation chosen for FGClite. Past and future performance comparison will be done.

Presentation materials