27–31 Jan 2014
Lisbon, Portugal
Europe/Zurich timezone

On the last week of January the two FP7 Projects PicoSEC-MCNet and EndoTOFPET-US meet for a series of events:

Please refer to the dedicated webpage for the the detailed timetables.


Lisbon, Portugal
Map for PicoSEC-EndoTOFPET meetings weekFor a complete map of all the venues locations, meeting points for social events, restaurants and hotels, click here.


Please register if you are going to join part of the meeting week, or the whole week. 

Some social events are foreseen during the week, please state your participation in the registration page.

Please be aware that a participation fee can be established by the organizing committee, if necessary. In case, you'll receive all the information.

*picture credits: Werner Kunz, 2012