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Scientific Programme

In conjunction with the French Linear Collider days, the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCB) is organizing an “Informal Discussion about the current status of EU projects, in particular future EU H2020 call and its implication for the ILC community”. It is intended that the meeting should include a few representatives from each European Country.

Conveners: Brian Foster, Juan Fuster, Steinar Stapnes

Among the possible topics to be discussed are:

- H2020 general description and opportunities for a possible ILC application (Svet Stavrev/Steinar Stapnes)

- Present situation of the Japanese initiative (H. Yamamoto t.b.c.)

- Plans of the machine community for a H2020 application (B. Foster)

- What are needs and perspectives in view of H2020 for the ILD and SiD concepts and the various LC R&D collaborations

- General discussion on the participation and cooperation with other R&D detector initiatives and possible applications to H2020