15–20 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Lecturer's biographies

  Claude Charlot - Ecole Polytechnique

"Graduated from the 'École de Physique' in Strasbourg in 1986, he prepare his PhD at the 'École Polytechnique' on the search for the quark gluon plasma in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions with the NA38 experiment at CERN. He defends his PhD in 1988 and enters the CNRS at the Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet at 'École Polytechnique'. In 1993, he starts working on the preparation of the CMS experiment for the LHC, in particular on the design and construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter, on the reconstruction of electrons and on the preparation for data analysis. In the early 2000s, he becomes the french representative for software and computing in the CMS experiment. He concentrates his research acitivities on the search for the Higgs boson, in particular on the 4 leptons decay channel. During the LHC start in 2009, he is responsible for the commissioning of the electron reconstruction and participates actively to the search for the Higgs boson till the discovery in summer 2012, for which the 4 leptons decay channel happens to be the most sensitive.

He now works on the measurement of the Higgs boson properties and on the electroweak scattering of gauge bosons."


  Sverre Jarp -  CERN

Sverre Jarp is active in the CERN openlab, a joint collaboration with leading industrial partners in order to assess cutting-edge information technology for the Large Hadron Collider’s Computing Grid. He has been working in computing at CERN for over 35 years and has held various managerial and technical positions promoting advanced but cost-effective computing solutions for the Laboratory. In 2001-02 he spent a sabbatical year in HP Labs (Palo Alto,USA). His current fields of interest are, in particular, multi-threaded programming and performance tuning, but he works hard to keep involved in all the technical activities in openlab. S. Jarp holds a degree in Theoretical Physics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.

  Andrzej Nowak -  CERN

Andrzej Nowak is a staff researcher at CERN openlab - a collaboration of CERN and industrial partners such as HP, Intel, Oracle and Siemens. He holds a Master Engineer degree in Computer Science from the Gdansk University of Technology, specializing in distributed applications and internet systems. Andrzej's early research concerned operating systems security, mobile systems security, and wireless technologies. During his studies in 2005 and 2006, he worked at Intel, where he researched custom performance optimizations of the Linux kernel and took part in developing one of the first implementations of the IEEE 802.16 "WiMax Mobile" standard. In January 2007, soon after obtaining his diploma, he joined openlab as a Marie Curie Fellow sponsored by the European Commission. Andrzej's current research is focused on performance tuning, parallelism and modern many-core processor architectures. Another significant area of his work is the teaching of these topics at courses both within and outside of CERN.

  Danilo Piparo -  CERN

Danilo is an experimental HEP physicist. As a member of the CMS collaboration, he graduated in 2007 but already during his studies he worked for the CERN IT department. He obtained his PhD at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2010 to then immediately join CERN as responsible of many software operations of the CMS experiment. The high performance and parallel software expert of the CERN Software group, he joined the ROOT team in 2013. His main responsibility is the I/O subsystem but he is actively involved in the development and support of reflection and mathematical libraries.
He is also part of the core team developing the "Concurrent Gaudi" parallel data processing framework.