Tsallis function

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


Show room on map
    • 1
      A statistical mechanical view on high energy physics
      The use of the celebrated Boltzmann-­-Gibbs entropy and statistical mechanics is justified for ergodic-like systems. In contrast, complex systems typically require more powerful theories. We will provide a brief introduction to nonadditive entropies and associated nonextensive statistical mechanics, and then present some recent applications to systems such as high-­energy collisions, black holes and others.
      Speaker: Constantino Tsallis
    • 2
      The Tsallis Distribution at the LHC.
      In this talk we review applications of the Tsallis distribution in high energy physics covering p-p, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisons at ALICE, ATLAS and CMS. Results from STAR and PHENIX will also be reviewed. The energy dependence of the three parameters, volume, q and T will be discussed in great detail.
      Speaker: Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)
    • 3
      Using Tsallis function in the Heavy Ion data
      Speaker: Alexander Milov (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))