1–3 Mar 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

VOCE - Central European Production Grid Service

1 Mar 2006, 18:30


Poster contribution Poster session Poster and Demo session + cocktail


Jan Kmunicek (CESNET)


This contribution describes a grid environment of the Virtual Organization for Central Europe (VOCE). VOCE infrastructure currently consists of computational resources and storage capacities provided by Central European resource owners. Unlike majority of other virtual organizations VOCE tends to be generic VO providing application neutral environment especially suitable for Grid newcomers allowing them to get quickly first experience with Grid computing and to test and evaluate Grid environment towards their specific application needs. VOCE facilities currently provide base for Central European t-infrastructure. The main goal of VOCE is to assist in adapting a software for use on a fully production Grid, not within a closed "teaching" environment, even for applications that do not have any Grid / cluster /remote computing experience. The VOCE application neutrality can be seen as an important feature that allows to provide an environment where different application requirements meet and expectations are to be fulfilled. All technical aspects related to the supported middleware (LCG, gLite), computing environments (MPI support), specific user interface support (Charon and P-GRADE portal) will be discussed and preliminary users experiences evaluated.



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