Antonio Calanducci
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)Dr
Giuseppe La Rocca
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Created with the goal of providing an infrastructure for training and dissemination,
GILDA revealed itself also as a cute entry point for those communities, often without
any experience of distributed computing, desired to test whether or not their
applications would receive an added value from the grid. The wide range of
applications supported, shows also as a single testbed can serve applications and
communities with disparate purposes and final goals. The intensive use of the GENIUS
web portal eased the approach to grid for native users, hiding the complexity of
middleware, providing also an immediate interface when graphical input/output is
required. Hereafter a list of the most significant applications supported in these
two years is reported. A list of the most relevant applications that have been
integrated on the GILDA’s testbed is reported. During the on-line demo session will
be presented one or two of these applications focusing on the main EGEE services used.
The acronym GA4tS stands for “Genetic Algorithm for thresholds Searching”. It
represents a medical application on a grid infrastructure connection, designed in the
framework of the INFN MAGIC-5 project, which aims at developing interactive tools to
help radiologists with mass detection in mammography image analysis. Given a database
of mammography images and extracted from each image a certain number of suspicious
regions or regions of interest (ROI), GA4tS is a genetic algorithm able to
discriminate among two possible ROI populations (the positive ROI population and the
negative ROI population), performing a ROI-based classification. A positive ROI is a
pathological ROI, containing a neoplastic lesion or a cluster of micro
calcifications. Instead, a negative ROI has no kind of pathology and means healthy
tissue. The huge amount of computing power exploitable by the genetic algorithm
during its computation represents the grid added value. GA4tS interacts with the
LFC’s catalog in order to transfer on the worker node the MATLAB Math and Graphics
Run-Time Library needed by the genetic algorithm.
Computational Chemistry
The GEMS (gGrid Enabled Molecular Simulator) prototype has been initially implemented
on the GILDA test bed infrastructure for the specific case of the study of the
properties of gas phase atom-diatom reactions. Recently the prototype has been ported
on the production grid. The specific theoretical approach adopted requires massive
integrations of trajectories and parallel runs on the largest number of nodes
available. Here the advantages of the grid are in the large availability of nodes
where the parallel software can run on.
gMOD (grid Movie on Demand) is a new application developed to show up how the Grid
can give its contribution to make businesses in the world of Entertainment. Plugged
into GENIUS, the goal of gMOD is providing a Video-On-Demand service. They are
presented a list of movies (movie trailers in our case due to license issues) to
choose from and once they have made a choice, the video file is streamed in real time
to the video client in the user’s workstation. gMOD is built on top of the new EGEE
gLite middleware and makes use of many gLite services (FiReMan and AMGA Catalog, WMS
and VOMS). It is worth nothing that gMOD has been realized having in mind the
commercial issues and technical problems of a Video On Demand service but can also be
used to retrieve any kind of digital multimedia contents from the network with many
possible interesting applications such as, for example, e-Learning Systems and
Digital Libraries. The grid added value in this case is represented from the large
capability of storage, and the absolute safety provided from the use of digital
certificates, which gives the faculty to the provider of revoking them in any moment,
and setting a predefined and unchangeable time for the provided services.
hadronTherapy is a simulation program based on the CERN toolkit GEANT4, developed at
INFN LNS. hadronTherapy simulates the beam line and particles revelators used in the
proton-therapy facility for the cure of eye cancer at CATANA (Centro AdroTerapia e
Applicazioni Nucleari avanzate), active even at INFN-LNS. The typical advantages of
porting a Montecarlo code on the grid, the linear factor gained with the simulation
splitting, are improved with the recombination of outputs produced by the sub jobs
and analyzed. A graphical output is finally obtained exploiting the ROOT’s features.
PATSEARCH is a flexible and fast pattern matcher able to search specific combinations
of oligonucletide consensi and secondary structure elements. It is able to find, in a
given sequence(s), kinds of loop structures that characterize tRNAs, rRNAs and/or any
kind of pattern in DNA and protein sequences. Thanks to the grid, PatSearch's
application is able to split the search of the given sequence(s) submitting up to ten
independent jobs and collects, at the end, the partial results and produce a final
output. PatSearch interacts with the LFC’s catalog in order to transfer on the worker
node’s working directory the input file needed by the pattern matcher. PatSearch is
one of the candidate applications of the recently approved EU BioInfoGrid Project.
The NEMO collaboration has undertaken a R&D program for the construction of an
underwater km3 wide telescope for high energy neutrino astronomy in the Mediterranean
sea, while ANTARES is constructing a smaller (0.1 km2) underwater neutrino telescope
near the Toulon coast. The CORSIKA Montecarlo simulation code is used by NEMO to
simulate the interaction of primary cosmic ions with the atmosphere up to the sea
level with particular reference to the atmospheric muons generated. In fact, muons
represent one of the main sources of background for underwater telescopes for high
energy neutrino astronomy. Mass production of muons at the sea level has been
simulated first on GILDA and then on the INFN Grid production grid both for the NEMO
and ANTARES set-ups. The NEMO collaboration from the grid takes the advantages of the
thousands of CPU, which allows to split their simulation in n sub jobs, gaining a
factor of n in execution time. Also CORSIKA simulations uses large input files, which
could have been handled with much more difficulty without the grid capacity of storage.
Roberto Barbera
(INFN - University of Catania)
Alberto Falzone
(NICE Srl)
Antonio Calanducci
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Antonio Carrieri
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Emidio Giorgio
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Gianluca Passaro
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Giuseppe Andronico
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Giuseppe La Rocca
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Giuseppe Platania
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Marco Pappalardo
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Rita Ricceri
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Rosanna Catania
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Salvatore Monforte
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
Valeria Ardizzone
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)