Gergely Sipos
1. Composing and executing data-intensive workflows on the EGEE infrastructure
Grid computing is naturally very well suited for handling data-intensive
applications involving the analysis of huge amounts of data. In many scientific
areas the need for composing complex applications on grids from basic processing
components has emerged. The classical task-based job description approach is
providing a mean of depicting such applications but it becomes very tedious when
trying to express complex application logics and large input data sets. Indeed, a
different task needs to be described for each component and each input to consider.
Higher level interfaces for easing the migration of applications to grid
infrastructures are drastically needed. To ease the migration to grids of such
complex and data intensive applications we are proposing a powerful tool which:
• Simplifies the application logic description through a graphical and
intuitive editor.
• Enables the seamless integration of data intensive application running on
different grid infrastructures.
• Permit try-and-retry experiments design and tuning through a flexible
description and execution environment.
• Eases legacy code migration.
• Provides high level monitoring and trace analysis capabilities.
This tool is based on the integration of the PGRADE grid portal [1] and the MOTEUR
workflow execution engine [2].
2. MOTEUR workflow execution engine
The service-based paradigm, plebiscited in the grid community, is elegantly enabling
the composition of different application components through a common invocation
interface. In addition, the service-based approach nicely decouples the description
of processing logic (represented by services) and data to be processed (given as
input parameters to these services). This is particularly important for describing
the application logic independently from the experimental setting (the data to
MOTEUR is a service-based workflow enactor developed to efficiently process
application workflows by exploiting the parallelism inherent to grid
infrastructures. It is taking as input the application workflow description
(expressed in Scufl language from the MyGrid project [3]) and the data sets to
process. MOTEUR is orchestrating the execution of the application workflow by
invoking asynchronously applications services. It takes care of processing
dependencies and preserves the causality of computation on a highly distributed and
heterogeneous environment.
Very complex data processing patterns may be described in a very compact way. In
particular, the dot product (pairwise data composition) and cross product (all-to-
all data composition) patterns from the Scufl language are very efficiently reducing
complex data-intensive application graphs into much simpler ones. They significantly
enlarge the expressiveness of the workflow language.
In addition, MOTEUR enables all level of parallelism that can be exploited in a data-
intensive workflow: workflow parallelism (inherent to the workflow topology), data
parallelism (different input data can be processed independently in parallel), and
services parallelism (different services processing different data are independent
and can be executed in parallel). To our knowledge, MOTEUR is the first service-
based workflow enactor implementing all these optimizations.
3. The PGRADE portal GUI
During the last few years the P-GRADE portal has been chosen as the official portal
by several Globus and LCG-2 middleware based Grid projects around Europe. In its
original concept the P-GRADE Portal supported the development and execution of job-
oriented workflows by the Condor DAGMan workflow manager. While DAGMan is a robust
scheduler to submit jobs and to transfer input-output files among grid resources, it
uses a quite simple scheduling algorithm, it is not able to invoke Web/Grid services
and it cannot exploit every possible level of application parallelism (e.g.
To overcome these difficulties the P-GRADE portal has been integrated with the
MOTEUR workflow manager. On top of that the P-GRADE Portal has been equipped with a
universal interface by which it can be easily connected to other types of workflow
engines. As a result every EGEE user community with its own application-specific
scheduler can use the P-GRADE Portal to manage the execution of domain-specific
programs on the connected Grids or VOs.
Based on the DAGMan and MOTEUR workflow managers the P-GRADE Portal supports the
development and execution of stand-alone applications, parameter study applications
and workflows composed from normal and/or parameter study components. These
applications can be executed in LCG-2, Web services or Globus-based grids. During
the execution the portal automatically selects the most appropriate plugged-in
workflow manager to perform the scheduled submission of jobs, service invocation
requests or data transfer processes.
The presentation introduces the capabilities of the MOTEUR-enabled P-GRADE Portal
and the way in which the EGEE bioscience community is using it to solve a medical
image processing problem. The community is going to develop a workflow of parameter
study components that is capable to perform large number of operations on a huge set
of medical images. The different components of the workflow represent Web services
and are described by graphical notations. The MOTEUR workflow manager is responsible
for the pipelined invocation of these Web services driven by the medical images and
the different control input parameters.
[1] PGRADE portal, http://www.lpds.sztaki.hu/pgportal
[2] MOTEUR, http://www.i3s.unice.fr/_glatard/software.html
[3] UK eScience MyGrid project, http://www.mygrid.org
This presentation addresses two special new features of the P-GRADE portal:
1. Enabling the efficient parallel Grid execution of parametric study type of
applications both at job level and at workflow level. More than that it enables the
creation and execution of workflows where certain components of the workflow are
parametric study applications themselves.
2. Enabling the plug-in of any user community specific workflow enactors.
The talk will present how the MOTEUR enactor plug-in is handled and used in the
portal in order to support the above mentioned parametric study workflow execution.
Gergely Sipos
Johan Montagnat
(CNRS, I3S laboratory)
Peter Kacsuk
Tristan Glatard
(CNRS, I3S laboratory)
Zoltan Farkas