** Clinical data management versus computerized medical analysis
The medical community is routinely using clinical images and
associated medical data for diagnosis, intervention planning and
therapy follow-up. Medical imagers are producing an increasing number
of digital images for which computerized archiving, processing and
analysis are needed.
DICOM (Digital Image and COmmunication in Medicine) is today
the most widely adopted standard for managing medical data in
clinics. DICOM is including both the image content and additional
information on the patient and the acquisition. DICOM was exclusively
designed to respond clinical requirements. The interface with
computing infrastructures for instance is completely lacking.
Grids are promising infrastructures for managing and analyzing the
huge medical databases. However, the existing grid middlewares are
often only providing low level data management services for
manipulating files, making difficult the gridification of medical
applications. Medical data often have to be manually transferred and
transformed from hospital sources to grid storage before being
processed and analyzed. To ease applications development there is a
need for a data manager that: (i) shares access to medical
data sources for computing without interfering with the clinical
practice; (ii) ensures transparency so that accessing medical
data does not require any specific user intervention; and (iii)
ensures a high data protection evel to respect patients
** MDM: a grid service for secured medical data management
To ease medical applications devlopment, We developed a Medical Data
Manager (MDM) service with the support of the EGEE uropean IST
project. This service was developped on top of the new generation
middleware release, gLite.
The data management in the gLite middleware is based on a set of
Storage Elements which are exposing a same standard
Storage Resource Manager SRM) interface. The SRM is handling
local data at a file level. Additional services such as GridFTP or
gLiteIO are coexisting on storage elements to provide transfer
capabilities. In addition to storage resources, the gLite data
management system includes a File Catalog (Fireman) offering
a unique entry point for files distributed on all grid storage
elements. Each file is uniquely identified through a
Global Unique IDentifier (GUID).
The Medical Data Management service architecture is diagrammed in
figure 1. On the left, is represented a clinical site:
various imagers in an hospital are pushing the images
produced on a DICOM server. Inside the hospital, clinicians can access
the DICOM server content through DICOM clients. In the center of
figure 1, the MDM internal logic is represented. On the
right side, the grid services interfacing with the MDM are shown. To
remain compatible with the rest of the grid infrastructure, the MDM
service is based on an SRM-DICOM interface software which translates
SRM grid requests into DICOM transactions addressed to the medical
servers. Thus, medical data servers can be transparently
shared between clinicians (using the classical DICOM interface inside
hospitals) and image analysis scientists (using the SRM-DICOM
interface to access the same data bases) without interfering
with the clinical practice. An internal scratch space is used to
transform DICOM data into files that are accessible through data
transfer services (GridFTP or gLiteIO). For enforcing data
protection, a highly secured and fault tolerant encryption key
catalog, called hydra, is used. In addition, all DICOM files
exported to the grid are anonimized. A metadata manager is in charge
of holding the metadata extracted from DICOM headers and to ease data
search. The AMGA ervice is used for ensuring secured storage of these very
sensitive data. The AMGA server holds a relation between each DICOM
slice and the image metadata.
The security model of the MDM relies on several components: (i) file
access control, (ii) files anonymization, (iii) files encryption, and
(iv) secured access to metadata. The user is coherently identified
through a single X509 certificate for all services involved in
security. The file access control is enforced by the gLiteIO service
which accepts Access Control Lists (ACLs). The hydra key store and the
AMGA metadata service both accept ACLs. To read an image content, a
user needs to be authorized both to access the file and to the
encryption key. The access rights to the sensitive metadata associated
to the files are administrated independently. Thus, it is possible to
grant access to an encrypted file only (e.g. for replicating
a file without accessing to the content), to the file content
(e.g. for processing the data without revealing the patient
identity), or to the full file metadata (e.g. for medical
usage). Through ACLs, it is possible to implement complex use cases,
granting access rights to patients, physicians, healthcare
practitioners, or researchers independently.
** Medical image analysis applications
On the client side, three levels of interfaces are available to access
and manipulate the data hold by the MDM: (1) the standard SRM
interface, can be used to access encrypted images provided that their
GUID is known; (2) the encryption middleware layer can both fetch and
decrypt files; (3) the fully MDM aware client provides access to the
metadata associated to files in addition.
The Medical Data Manager has been deployed on several sites for
testing purposes. Three sites are actually holding data in three DICOM
servers installed at I3S (Sophia Antipolis, France), LAL (Orsay,
France) and CREATIS (Lyon, France). An AMGA catalog has also been set
up in CREATIS (Lyon) for holding all sites' metadata, and an hydra key
store is deployed at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).
The testbed deployed has been used to demonstrate the viability of the
service by registering and retrieving DICOM files across
sites. Registered files could be retrieved and used for computations
from EGEE grid nodes transparently. The next important milestone will
be to experiment the system in connection with hospitals by
registering real clinical data freshly acquired and registered on the
fly from the hospital imagers.
The Medical Data Manager is an important service for enabling medical
image processing applications on the EGEE grid infrastructure. Several
existing applications could potentially use the MDM such as the GATE,
CDSS, gPTM3D, pharmokinetics, and Bronze Standard applications
currently deployed on the EGEE infrastructure.