1–3 Mar 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Use of the Storage Resource Manager Interface

2 Mar 2006, 17:05
40-SS-D01 (CERN)



Oral contribution Data access on the grid 2b: Data access on the grid


Maarten Litmaath (CERN)


SRM v2.1 features and status ---------------------------- Version 2.1 of the Storage Resource Manager interface offers various features that are desired by EGEE VOs, particularly HEP experiments: pinning and unpinning of files, relative paths, (VOMS) ACL support, directory operations, global space reservation. The features are described in the context of actual use cases and availability in the following widely used SRM implementations: CASTOR, dCache, DPM. The interoperability of the different implementations and SRM versions is discussed, along with the absence of desirable features like quotas. Version 1.1 of the SRM standard is in widespread use, but has various deficiencies that are addressed to a certain extent by version 2.1. The two versions are incompatible, necessitating clients and servers to maintain both interfaces, at least for a while. Certain problems will only be dealt with in version 3, whose definition may not be completed for many months. There are various implementations of versions 1 and 2, developed by different collaborations for different user communities and service providers, with different requirements and priorities. In general a VO will have inhomogeneous storage resources, but a common SRM standard should make them compatible, such that data management tools and procedures need not bother with the actual types of the storage facilities.


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