Giuliano Taffoni
02/03/2006, 14:00
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
1. The technique addressed in connection with concrete use cases
In a GRID environment the main components that manages the jobs life are the Grid Resource Framework
Layer, the Grid Information System Framework and the Grid Information Data Model. Since the job life is
strongly coupled with its computational environment then the Grid middleware must be aware of the specific
Thomas Doherty
(University of Glasgow)
02/03/2006, 14:20
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
AMI (ATLAS Metadata Interface) is a developing application, which stores and allows
access to dataset metadata for the ATLAS experiment. It is a response to the large
number of database-backed applications needed by an LHC experiment called ATLAS, all
with similar interface requirements. It fulfills the need of many applications by
offering a generic web service and servlet...
Birger Koblitz
02/03/2006, 14:40
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
We present the ARDA Metadata Grid Application (AMGA) which is part of
the gLite middleware. AMGA provides a lightweight service to manage, store
and retrieve simple relational data on the grid, termed metadata.
In this presentation we will first give an overview of AMGA's design,
functionality, implementation and security features. AMGA was designed
in close collaborations with the...
Bjorn Engsig
02/03/2006, 15:00
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
Oracle is known as a database vendor, but has much more to offer than data storage
Some key Oracle products that are in use or are being currently full-scale tested
at CERN will be discussed in this talk.
It will primarily be an open discussion and interactive feedback from the audience
is more than welcome
The following topics will be discussed:
Oracle Client...
Paolo Badino
02/03/2006, 16:25
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
In this paper we describe the architecture and implementation of the gLite
File Transfer Service (FTS) and list the most basic deployment
scenarios. The
FTS is addressing the need to manage massive wide-area data transfers on
dedicated network channels while allowing the involved sites and users to
manage their policies. The FTS manages the transfers in a robust way,
for an...
รkos Frohner
02/03/2006, 16:45
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
The medical community is routinely using clinical images and
associated medical data for diagnosis, intervention planning and
therapy follow-up. Medical imaging is producing an increasing
number of digital images for which computerized archiving,
processing and analysis are needed.
Grids are promising infrastructures for managing and analyzing
the huge medical...
Maarten Litmaath
02/03/2006, 17:05
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
SRM v2.1 features and status
Version 2.1 of the Storage Resource Manager interface offers various
features that are desired by EGEE VOs, particularly HEP experiments:
pinning and unpinning of files, relative paths, (VOMS) ACL support,
directory operations, global space reservation. The features are
described in the context of actual use cases and...
Dmitry Mishin
(Institute of Physics of the Earth Russian Acad. Sci.), Dr
Mikhail Zhizhin
(Geophysical Center Russian Acad. Sci.)
02/03/2006, 17:40
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
SPIDR (Space Physics Interactive Data Resource) is a de facto standard data source on
solar-terrestrial physics, functioning within the framework of the ICSU World Data
Centers. It is a distributed database and application server network, built to
select, visualize and model historical space weather data distributed across the
Internet. SPIDR can work as a fully-functional web-application...
Tony Calanducci
(INFN Catania)
02/03/2006, 18:00
Data access on the grid
Oral contribution
Nowadays huge amounts of information are searched and used by people from all over
the world, but it is not always easy to find out what one is looking for. Search
engines helps a lot, but they do not provide a standard and uniform way to make
The challenge of gLibrary is to design and develop a robust system to handle
Multimedia Contents in a easy, fast and secure way...