Ludek Matyska
(CESNET, z.s.p.o.)
02/03/2006, 14:00
Workload management and Workflows
Oral contribution
Logging and Bookkeeping (LB) service is responsible for keeping track of jobs
within a complex Grid environment. Without such a service, users are
unable to find out what happened with their lost jobs and Grid administrators
are not able to improve the infrastructure. The LB service developed
within the EGEE project provides a distributed scalable solution able to
deal with hundreds...
Francesco Giacomini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
02/03/2006, 14:30
Workload management and Workflows
Oral contribution
The Workload Management System (WMS) is a collection of components
providing a service responsible for the distribution and management of
tasks across resources available on a Grid, in such a way that
applications are conveniently, efficiently and effectively executed.
The main purpose of the WMS as a whole is then to accept a request of
execution of a job from a client, find...
Giuseppe Codispoti
(Universita di Bologna)
02/03/2006, 15:00
Workload management and Workflows
Oral contribution
BOSS (Batch Object Submission System) has been developed in the context of the CMS
experiment to provide logging and bookkeeping and real-time monitoring of jobs
submitted to a local farm or a grid system. The information is persistently stored in
a relational database (right now MySQL or SQLite) for further processing. In this way
the information that was available in the log file in a...
Tristan Glatard
02/03/2006, 15:30
Workload management and Workflows
Oral contribution
** Managing data-intensive application workflows
Many data analysis procedures implemented on grids are not only
based on a single processing algorithm but rather assembled from a set
of basic tools dedicated to process the data, model it, extract
quantitative information, analyze results, etc. Given that
interoperable algorithms packed in software components with a
Ladislav Hluchy
(Institute of Informatics, Slovakia)
02/03/2006, 16:30
Workload management and Workflows
Oral contribution
We present an IST project of the 6th Framework Programme, aimed towards intelligent
grid middleware and workflow construction. The project's acronym K-Wf Grid stands
for “Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications”. The project itself
employs ontologies, artificial reasoning, Petri nets and modern service-oriented
architectures in order to simplify the use of grid...
Andrea Caltroni
02/03/2006, 17:00
Workload management and Workflows
Oral contribution
Sharing computing and storage resources among multiple Virtual Organizations which
group people from different institutions often spanning many countries, requires a
comprehensive policy management framework.
This paper introduces G-PBox, a tool for the management of policies which integrates
with other VO-based tools like VOMS, an attribute authority and DGAS an accounting
system, to...
Jean-Pierre Prost
(IBM Montpellier)
02/03/2006, 17:30
Workload management and Workflows
Oral contribution
"Workload virtualization is made of several disciplines: job/workflow scheduling,
workload management, and provisioning. Much work has been spent so far on these
various components in isolation. A better synergistic integration of these
components allowing their interoperability towards an optimized resource allocation
in order to satisfy user specified service level objectives is...