An efficient method for fine-grained access authorization in distributed (Grid) storage systems
Andreas Peters
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
The ARDA group has developed an efficient method for fine-grained access
authorization in distributed (Grid) storage systems. Client applications
obtain "access tokens" from an organization's file catalogue upon execution of a
file name resolution request. Whenever a client application tries to access the
requested files, the token is transparently passed to the target storage ...
Algimantas Juozapavicius
(associate professor)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
The Baltic Grid project, a FP6 program, involving 10 leading institutions in six
countries, started in November 2005. Its aims to i) develop and integrate the
research and education computing and communication infrastructure in the Baltic
States into the emerging European Grid infrastructure, ii) bring the knowledge in
Grid technologies and use of Grids in the Baltic...
Antonio Calanducci
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy), Dr
Giuseppe La Rocca
(INFN Sez. Catania - Italy)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Demo session
Demo contribution
Created with the goal of providing an infrastructure for training and dissemination,
GILDA revealed itself also as a cute entry point for those communities, often without
any experience of distributed computing, desired to test whether or not their
applications would receive an added value from the grid. The wide range of
applications supported, shows also as a single testbed can serve...
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
The CMS Dashboard project aims to provide a single entry point to the monitoring data
collected from the CMS distributed computing system. The monitoring information
collected in the CMS dashboard allows to follow the processing of the CMS jobs on the
LCG, EGEE and OSG grid infrastructures. The Dashboard supports tracing of the job
execution failures on the Grid and erros due to problems...
Andrew Maier
01/03/2006, 18:30
Demo session
Demo contribution
The ARDA-LHCb prototype activity is focusing on the GANGA system (a joint ATLAS-LHCb
project). The main idea behind GANGA is that the physicists should have a simple
interface to their analysis programs. GANGA allows preparing the application, to
organize the submission and gather results via a clean Python API. The details
needed to submit a job on the Grid (like special configuration...
Peter Kacsuk
01/03/2006, 18:30
Demo session
Demo contribution
The P-GRADE portal plays more and more important role in the EGEE community. After
its successful demos in the previous EGEE conferences (Athens and Pisa) the
representatives of several EGEE VOs have approached us with the request to support
their users by the P-GRADE portal that is already the official portal of two EGEE
VOs: VOCE (Virtual Organization Central Europe) and HunGrid...
John Walk
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
In order to make use of the resources of a grid, to submit a job or query information
for example, a user must contact a service that provides the capability, usually via
a URL. Grid services themselves must often contact other services to do their work.
In order to locate services, some kind of dynamic service directory is required and
there exist several grid information systems, such...
Dashamir Hoxha
(Institute of Informatics and Applied Informatics (INIMA), Tirana, Albania)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
This is a web application that serves as a front-end to the database
that keeps information about the grid sites (clusters), their admins,
email and phone contacts, other contact people, site nodes and
resources, downtimes etc. These sites are organized by country and
countries are organized by regions. The admins of each site can also
update the information about the site.
Elena Tikhonenko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
In the beginning of 2005 the formal procedures and the proper administrative
structures for creation and registration of the internal RDIG-EGEE virtual
organizations were established in the Russian Data Intensive Grid (RDIG)
The Service Center of Registration of the Virtual Organizations is accessible
through the URL: http://rdig-registrar.sinp.msu.ru/newVO.html . All...
Ladislav Hluchy
(Institute of Informatics, Slovakia)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
We present an IST project of the 6th Framework Programme, aimed to create a
distributed framework for multi-risk assessment of natural disasters that will
integrate various models for simulation of forest fire behavior and effects, flood
modeling and forecasting, landslides and soil erosion simulations. Also, a
distributed repository with earth observation data, combined with field...
Alexey Poyda
(Moscow State University), Mr
Dmitry Mishin
(Institute of Physics of the Earth Russian Acad. Sci.), Dr
Mikhail Zhizhin
(Geophysical Center Russian Acad. Sci.)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Demo session
Demo contribution
We will demonstrate an environmental data mining project Environmental Scenario
Search Engine (ESSE) including a secure web application portal for interactive
searching for events over a grid of environmental data access and mining web services
hosted by OGSA-DAI containers. The web services are grid proxies for the database
clusters with terabytes of high-resolution meteorological and...
Marcin Plociennik
Pawel Wolniewicz
01/03/2006, 18:30
Demo session
Demo contribution
Demo description:
Demo will show following features and functionality:
- graphical user environment for job submission, monitoring and other grid
- running applications from different disciplines and communities
- running within MD platform batch and MPI applications
- running sequential and interactive applications
Two applications had been selected to present...
Gergely Sipos
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
1. Composing and executing data-intensive workflows on the EGEE infrastructure
Grid computing is naturally very well suited for handling data-intensive
applications involving the analysis of huge amounts of data. In many scientific
areas the need for composing complex applications on grids from basic processing
components has emerged. The classical task-based job description approach...
Nuno Filipe De Sousa Santos
(Universidade de Coimbra)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
1. Introduction
Metadata Services play a vital role on Data Grids, primarily as a means of
describing and discovering data stored on files but also as a simplified database
service. They must, therefore, be accessible to the entire Grid, comprising several
thousands of users spread across hundreds of Grid sites geographically distributed.
This means they must scale with the number...
Domenico Vicinanza
(Univ. of Salerno + INFN Catania)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
Data audification is the representation of data by sound signals; it can be considered as the acoustic
counterpart of data graphic visualization, a mathematical mapping of information from data sets to sounds.
Data audification is currently used in several fields, for different purposes: science and engineering, education
and training, in most of the cases to provide a quick and effective...
Johan Montagnat
01/03/2006, 18:30
Demo session
Demo contribution
** Clinical data management versus computerized medical analysis
The medical community is routinely using clinical images and
associated medical data for diagnosis, intervention planning and
therapy follow-up. Medical imagers are producing an increasing number
of digital images for which computerized archiving, processing and
analysis are needed.
DICOM (Digital Image and...
Jawher Kerrou
(University of Neuchatel)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
Worldwide, seawater intrusion and salinisation of coastal aquifers and soils is a
major threat for food production. While the physico-chemical processes triggering the
transport and accumulation of salts in these regions are relatively well known and
well described by a set of partial differential equations, often it is extremely
difficult to model accurately these phenomena because of the...
Roberto Barbera
(INFN Catania)
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
In the Grid dissemination activity, teaching of Grid elements installation covers a
very important role. While in tutorials for users availability of accounts and
certificates is enough, in those ones for administrators a certain number of free
machines is needed, and the requirements for a Grid-middleware compliant operating
system also occurs.
The VirtualGILDA infrastructure for...
Jan Kmunicek
01/03/2006, 18:30
Poster session
Poster contribution
This contribution describes a grid environment of the Virtual Organization for
Central Europe (VOCE). VOCE infrastructure currently consists of computational
resources and storage capacities provided by Central European resource owners. Unlike
majority of other virtual organizations VOCE tends to be generic VO providing
application neutral environment especially suitable for Grid newcomers...