21 July 2008 to 15 August 2008
Europe/Zurich timezone
We are updating the scheduled program of seminars and discussions

E. Dudas: "Multi-instanton and one-loop string corrections in toroidal orbifold models

28 Jul 2008, 14:30
TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room




We analyze N=2 perturbative and non-perturbative corrections in type I orbifold models where a dual heterotic description is available. We consider in particular the Bianchi-Sagnotti-Gimon-Polchinski orbifold. By exploiting perturbative calculations of the physical gauge couplings on the heterotic side, we obtain multi-instanton and one-loop string corrections to the K\"ahler potential and the gauge kinetic function. We argue that these corrections are universal in a given class of models where target-space modular invariance holds.

Primary author

Emilian Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique and U. Paris-Sud, Orsay)

Presentation materials