7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Study of magnetic monopole condensation using surface operators

11 Sept 2014, 15:00
Petrov-Vodkin 1

Petrov-Vodkin 1

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Parallel I: A6 Vacuum structure and confinement


Dr Alexander Molochkov (Far Eastern Federal University)


The most important probes for the phase states of a four-dimensional gauge field theory are the Wilson and t'Hooft line operators that are defined on one-dimensional curves in the space-time. However, for more detail understanding of four-dimensional gauge field theory dynamics and vacuum topology we need additional probes expressed by operators defined on the subspaces with higher dimensions. Possible candidates are operators that are defined on the two-dimensional surface in the four-dimensional space-time. The corresponding spatial surface operators are sensitive to the magnetic flux through a closed surface, what provides a tool for monopole condensate study. The area and volume dependence of the surface operator can provide a probe for the correlated and uncorrelated monopoles and antimonopoles condensation. The corresponding temporal surface operators can provide new order parameters. In the present work the surface operator dependence on the surface area and volume are studied in the confinement and deconfinement phases within the SU(2) pure gauge field theory on the lattice. It is obtained that the spatial surface operator exhibits areal law in the both phases, what points on the color dipole condensation. Indications on the volume law in the confinement phase are discussed.


Dr Alexander Molochkov (Far Eastern Federal University)


Vladimir Goy (Far Eastern Federal University)

Presentation materials