Kenji Sasaki
(Univ. of Tsukuva)
Knowledge of baryon-baryon interactions with strangeness is important to study the hypernuclear structures and exotic few body states.
Especially for the strangeness S=-2 two-baryon system, it is interesting to investigate the SU(3) structure and its breaking effect of baryon-baryon interactions because the flavor singlet combination is allowed only in this system.
We report our latest results of the S=-2 baryon-baryon interactions and mass of H-dibaryon from lattice QCD simulation.
Our approach to baryon-baryon interactions is deriving a potential from inverting coupled channel Schroedinger equation using Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter wave function simulated on lattice.
Our numerical results are obtained from 2+1 flavor full QCD gauge configurations provided by the PACS-CS Collaboration.
Flavor SU(3) breaking effects of the interactions are discussed by comparing with the results simulated with different quark masses.
We also discuss flavor SU(3) breaking effects of H-dibaryon mass.
Kenji Sasaki
(Univ. of Tsukuva)