7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

On transport properties of charged drop in external electric field

9 Sept 2014, 17:40
Deyneka 1

Deyneka 1

Section D: Deconfinement Parallel IV: D4 Deconfinement


Sergey Bondarenko (Ariel University)


In our work we consider calculations of distribution function of the charged droplet in the electric field of another, relativistically moving charged drop. Namely, we consider rotating charged droplet in transverse plane which was created during the very first stage of interaction of two neutral objects in high-energy scattering. Due the small droplet's size, the thermalization of this drop was very quick and, therefore, the distribution function of the droplet and it's electric field is determined by Vlasov's equation. External field of other charge fluctuations leads to the perturbation of initial static configuration of the droplet and makes the problem time-dependent. In present calculations we consider simple two-dimensional radially symmetrical problem, with only external electric field included. Solving time-dependent Vlasov's equation, which describe collective motion of particles in the drop under influence of external field, we obtain a non-equilibrium distribution function $f(\vec{r}, \vec{v},\tau)$ of the drop in the transverse plane. The $\tau$ variable in this distribution function we define as a characteristic time of drop's particles collective motion or as a time of drop's expansion/compression. This time is limited by the transition from mean-field (collisionless) description of the drop's to the usual Boltzman equation and approximately it is in the order of nucleon radius. Using obtained distribution function we calculate transport properties of the drop, namely we calculate the shear viscosity of the drop's expansion/compression in the transverse plane. Finally, we discuss obtained results in application to the high-energy scattering.


Sergey Bondarenko (Ariel University)

Presentation materials