Sungmin Hwang
(Technical University of Munich)
Potential non-relativistic QCD (pNRQCD) is an effective field theory that describes heavy quarkonia at the ultrasoft scale, i.e. at the scale of the binding energy. As a non-relativistic theory, full Poincaré invariance is no longer explicit in pNRQCD. However, since pNRQCD is ultimately derived from QCD, Poincaré invariance is still hidden in the theory, with the effect that the Wilson coefficients satisfy certain constraints. I will discuss how these constraints can be obtained through a non-linear implementation of Lorentz transformations, and how the Poincaré algebra is satisfied for these non-linear transformations.
Sungmin Hwang
(Technical University of Munich)
Antonio Vairo
(Institut fuer Theoretische Physik-Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet H)
Matthias Berwein
(TU Munich)
Nora Brambilla
(Institut fuer Theoretische Physik)