7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Jet broadening at NNLL in perturbation theory

12 Sept 2014, 14:40
Deyneka 1

Deyneka 1

Section D: Deconfinement Parallel V: D9 Deconfinement


Michael Benzke (TUM)


The effect of jet broadening and the related jet quenching parameter \hat{q} are important in the description of energy loss of a jet moving through a medium. This effect has been calculated perturbatively up to NLO. In this talk I will show that in order to compute the NNLO result one needs to consider contributions from transverse momenta of order πT , gT and g^2T and that in the region gT a resummation of large logarithms is needed. Using results from the calculation of the static potential in 3 dimensions, this resummation can be performed in the context of jet broadening at NNLL accuracy and its effect on \hat{q} calculated.


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