7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Higgs Critical Exponents and Conformal Bootstrap in Four Dimensions

12 Sept 2014, 14:00
Deyneka 2

Deyneka 2


Oleg Antipin (INFN, Florence)


We study properties of composite operators emerging in nonsupersymmetric, four-dimensional gauge-Yukawa theories with interacting conformal fixed points. The theories investigated are structurally similar to the standard model of particle interactions, but differ from the standard model by developing perturbative interacting fixed points. We investigate the physical properties of the singlet and the adjoint composite operators quadratic in the Higgs field. We show that, in the Veneziano limit, and at the highest known order in perturbation theory, the singlet sector decouples from the other operators. This fact allows us to test the numerical bootstrap constraints against precise four dimensional conformal field theoretical results.


Oleg Antipin (INFN, Florence)

Presentation materials