7–12 Sept 2014
St. Petersburg
Europe/Moscow timezone

Perfect Abelian dominance of confinement in SU(3) fine lattice QCD

11 Sept 2014, 14:00
Petrov-Vodkin 1

Petrov-Vodkin 1

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Parallel I: A6 Vacuum structure and confinement


Prof. Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University)


We investigate the inter-quark potential in the maximally Abelian (MA) gauge in SU(3) quenched QCD on a fine lattice at beta=6.4 (a=0.058 fm). Remarkably, we find almost perfect Abelian dominance of the string tension or the quark confining force on the fine lattice [1]. Thus, the confinement phenomenon in QCD can be well described only with Abelian variables in the MA gauge. [1] N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma, arXiv:1406.2215 [hep-lat], "Perfect Abelian dominance of quark confinement in SU(3) QCD on a fine lattice".


We find almost perfect Abelian dominance of confinement in the MA gauge in fine lattice QCD.


Prof. Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University)


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